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Spring  Hsu ChiCheng

When you come here, Honey, winter departs.

Across green field, shining in the sunshine, wearing colorful skirts, you come in mincing steps, slowly and gracefully, beaming with smiles and humming a tune … in the act of sprinkling flowers, fragrance, and warmth …

Oh, here you come, Honey, let me step forward to meet you, holding your hand, to play and sing and dance with you, to roll over and over with you on the grassland; let me put my hand in your soft hair, let the warm air blow to the back of your neck. Please don’t snicker and snigger, Honey, and please don’t say I’m playful; I want to chew your profusion of colors, and your beauty …

Yes, I’m tired. Let me hold your waist, Honey, I want to lie under your heavy green shade. I want you to cover me with your flowers, and I want you to caress me with your fingers soft like breeze. Oh, Honey, I want to enter the dreamland, to meet you, to be together with you …

Together with you, Honey, winter departs.

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