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What about the 《Bloody Ordeal》 was telling you ?

This is a memoirs about myself in China under the CCP(Chinese Communist Party) domination during the six decades since 1949.The real history of Communist rule has been revealed through the facts which I have experienced in my whole life. These true facts presented here can be proved by researchers as historical evidences for mainland China in the period of 1949-2009.It can also be studied as relevant references by the worldwide Sociologists and Historians.More over, this book may provide a possible recognition and comprehension of the Chinese Communist totalitarian dictatorship for those younger generations who have be foolished by CCP’s information blockade from the truth about what the ordeals happened in Mainland China.

The tragedies happened in China have already drawn attentions from the people worldwide, the victims even included in a quite number of CP members from low through high levels. If those CCP officials and members have chances to read this book and have been aroused their shocks from human nature and conscience, they should give up the support of Mao Zedong’s dictatorship and joint the people’s democratic movement. This is the hope which kept in my heart through all my life. I would like to dedicate my conscience for our nation and younger generation.

The 《Bloody Ordeal》 has two parts, total about 1 million more Chinese words. Part one covers the period of 1949~1979 which means starting CCP seized China’s political power through the end of Cultural Revolution. Part two covers the period of 1979~2009.

Part One has 62 sections with about 700,000 Chinese words. It described, through my personal experiences, the process of my family being broken without any reasonable grounds. My parents were pioneers of the new educational system which was different from the old system kept in Qing Dynasty. They have contributed themselve to the fight against the Japanese aggressions and build up New Educational System in China. My father, Kong Jiaxiang, has been brain-washed after so-called “libration” of the country, and has been taken into cutody in jail at the end of 1951, during the CCP’s “Suppressing the Counter-Revolutionaries ” political campaign. The CCP authorities barbarously refused to inform our family about the arresting and refused to provide a court verdict to us for years. Until I got so called “Rehabilitation” thereafter from my own political persecution, I persistently asked the local Public Security Bureau officials for my father’s whereabouts ( I have successively sent 11 letters with the response of ‘the whereabouts was unknown’), until the year 1982, the Sichuan Provincial Public Security Bureau sent me a very brief note with only 32 Chinese characters said that my father had already dead in jail in 1956 !

The CCP has complete such disregard for human life, moreover, they continued the cruelties to 4 of us including my mother and 2 siblings: In 1957, my mother has been labeled as an enemy “Rightist” due to trying to “reverse a verdict” for my father’s unjustified death. My innocent younger brother has been killed in 1967 without any reason but just being named as a “bastard of a monster”. My mother tried to jump into a pond for suicide by herself (not dead yet) due to unhuman maltreatment she received from the CCP officials. And I have nearly to be sentensed to death…..For this kind of “killings of a whole innocent family members ” without any reason, that was Mao Zedong’s version of Humanism !! Fortunately I survived from the terrible catastrophes happened to my family. The opportunities provided me for speaking out to the world about the 23 years of my personal experience for miscarriage of justice and the 60 years of my life in this communist regime.—–

It was a rare miracle to my survival from the CCP’s Yan Yuan Forced Labor Camp in Sichuan, China. In 1964, I was jailed with a fellow victim named Chen Li in a small cell which allows 2 prisoners only. He was sacrificed his life 40 years ago. Then I was moved to join the No.6 Labor Team with fellow prisoners Zhang Xikun and Liu Sunseng, both of them have died 30 more years ago. If I was not lucky enough to survive today probably by the arrangement from God, for giving me this special mission and encouragement to keep going on, how can I accomplish this giant record book with over million heart-breaking and bloody words?

Specificly in this year,during the Chinese QingMing Festival (5th of April Solar Term),we found an opportunity to visit the exact place where Yan Yuan Labor Camp was located more than 40 years ago. Under God’s favorable guide, we have been able to take photographs recorded that miserable spots and scenes presented perfectly to us in those years. We also met with rarely survived victims and recorded their words for substantiating the book 《Bloody Ordeal》. Therefore, we believe that it will be impossible without God’s help to have preserved this truely happened pieces of history and enable the 《Bloody Ordeal》 for sharing with the readers all over the world.

Part One has covered my ordeal when I was only 20 years old to be marked as a “Rightist” enemy by the CCP.I have been pronounced for “Doing Penal Labor Under Surveilance”, consequently experienced cold, hunger,and unhuman maltreatment. My jailed process has been described. For twisting my personality, I was forced to be “confessed” and be beaten brutally with hanging a bucket of 35 Lbs of bricks on my neck. And I have been handcuffed with agnails inside the handcuffs for physical torment at night time. Those such as being beaten by hanging-up and being trussed up are our routine punishments.

I was hungered to the shape of skin-tight bones, such as a 1.7 meters tall skeleton with only 30 kilogram. But the jailer still forced me to work for reclaiming the wasteland under the burning sun. I was trussed up and be placed in widerness by the creek for feeding the mosqitos and poison insects. Or the other way, the labor camp officer bundled me with a giant banyan tree to be forced mocking the crying as crow did. In the communist jail, I can only go on a hunger strike to express my feeble resistance, the unhuman officer has deprived my right for drinking water from the eaves. In order to insult me more, the jailer cutted my head skin with a bayonet. They tightened my hands and feet together and carried me (was sick) to the camp working site. I have been often placed in confinement, frightened for bringing me to the spot where the execution has been carried out, and threatened to be killed…etc. However, even I wonder that I have such indomitable courage of great vitality, which supported me to pass by the death signs one after another.

Part One recorded the live-visions in China’s country side. It revealed the horrible scenes happened in a serial of Chinese political struggle campaigns launched by dictator Mao Zedong in the Communist regime, such as : ‘The Great Leap Forward Movement’,”,’The Whole Chinese People Making Steels Movement’,’People’s Communization Movement’,’The Grain Yield as High as Launching the Satellite Movement’,’Socialist Education and Purging the Class Enemy Movement’,’Suppressing the Counter-Revolutionaries Movement’, until ‘The Great Cultural Revolution Movement ‘, in which people in China have suffered deaths from the hunger, brutality, beating,and killing. This book recorded the true terrible stories with the victms’ true names. As a fellow prisoner, I have experienced and witnessed the Jailers and ‘Guards’ how brutally to treat our prisoners, they can do whatever they like to beat, to truss-up, to kick us to death. Some of our fellow prisoners have been shot as they try to escape for live, some of others being hungered to death during the mid of escaping….

Until today, these stories have still been prohibited for talking about it by the Chinese Communist Authorities. Because the CCP is diffident of their bloody passed doings, they are afraid very much of the condemnations from the Chinese people for the monstrous crimes committed by the CCP. They try to shut people’s mouths and to escape the punishment, and continue to pursue their ‘One Party Dictatorship’. The Book will tell you in depth about the way Chinese Communist Party ruled in China, disclosed the truth of so-called the “Proletarian Dictatorship” and its brutallities. It also presented the first hand information of the rapacity, selfishness, and brutality about the crucial CCP Jailers & officers.
What are the Chinese “Anti-Rightists Political Struggle Campaign” & “Rightist” ?

Mao Zedong launched “The Anti-Rightists” political struggle campaign in 1957. Mao used the same strategy as “Give a dog a bad name and hang him” as well. He fabricated a charge of ‘crime’ such as “Anti-Communist Party & Anti-Socialism Bourgeois Rightist ” with “A furious attack towards Communist Party” for the Chinese people (especially for the Intellectuals) who airing out their opinions in a trap named “let hundred of flowers blossom & let hundred schools of thought contend “. As a dictator, Mao artificially framed a kind of Enemy named “Rightists” as a political Group which was not previously existed. Because of the so-call “Rightist” was nothing but just a Colony of victims which was framed by Mao Zedong and his CCP, the three millions of Chinese version “Rightists” were neither in an entity of Group, nor in any of the Organizations, Political Parties, Religion Groups,Gangs, Fractions, Cliques, Clubs, and Societies in China. This is the Colony of “Rightists” only appeals afterwards the “Anti-Rightist Political Struggle Campaign” has been launched, not before. They are totally different from the other Groups, Organizations, Political Parties, Religions, and Societies, no matter what they have been put into their “United Front” or been purged or suppressed. The CCP’s “Anti-Rightist Political Struggle Campaign” is one of the significant political purging campaigns in Chinese Communist ruling history, millions of Chinese intellectual elites have been purged and sent to the concentration labor camps. Mao Zedong carefully hatched the plot decoreted by a Chinese proverb mentioned above, he viciously played the fishing games with the Chinese intellectuals, tempted them into his trap again, again and again, for fishing disidents and then eliminating them. The serious consequence happened as much as the 3.178 millions of “Rightists” as 「Class Enemies」 nation-wide has been generated and singled out. The CCP’s Ministry of Propaganda lied to the people of whole nation by announcing only 500,000 of “Rightists” being labelled, and tried to use the fake number for covering the truth of 3+ millions victims of “Rightists”. Because the Communist regime intended to reduce the influences from the size & strength of enemy. Mao Zedong, seized the absolute dictatorship power in China, was a huge monster of conspiracy, he deserved to be a worse sinner towards the Chinese people, since he and the CCP trampled, ruined, and destroyed tens of millions of innocent Chinese people’s life including Chinese intellectuals.
In the Part One, there are descriptions about the “Rightists” (labeled by CCP as their ‘Class enemy’ should be purged and suppressed nation-wide ). This is just but a Colony of victims fabricated by Mao Zedong based on his doctrine of ‘Family Background/Class Origin’ and his hostile interpretation towards the critical opinions for CCP from the common people. The most impotant statement by Mao Zedong himself revealed that the “Rightist” was all about a Product from Mao’s sinister Plot (he called ‘YinMao’ or ‘YangMou’) by his conspiratorial means.

‘Rightist’ in those Colony of victims has been divided rapidly into two categories due to the twists by violent forces of ‘Proletarian Dictatorship’ controled by CCP, and due to their innocence with naive & ignorance. The two categories are: one part of “Rightists” have been changed to abnormal humanity, become devils who readily to be runing dogs for serving the Communist regime to persecute the fellow victims. Other part of “Rightists” wake up to reality, believe that the totalitarian violence is doomed, the right way is to resist violence by any means to fight against totalitarian regime.

The Part One presented the stories about my fellow victims’ ordeals and their resistances against the ruler’s violent devastation. There are some of my fellow victims such as :
Chen Li : A former Communist Party member, A Korean war veteran with number of ‘awards’, afterwards his life experience changed his view about Mao Zedong and CCP. He has been arrested and jailed due to sharing the political views from Yugoslavian president Josip Broz Tito. In jail, through his experience he recognized that he has been cheated and foolished by the CCP.

He was angry with being cheated and had written about 500,000 words of denunciation for condemning Mao Zedong & CCP, the Jailers & the Executioners.
In August 1969, when Mr.Chen Li has been sent to execution ground with holding up his head, his brave image of a hero’s death impressed local people until today. The cowardly and cruel executioner cutted off of his tongue for preventing his condemnation, and forced him to kneel down for execution by bayonet. But he suddenly turned back his head and spurted out of his mouth’s fresh blood towards the executioner…. . Mr. Chen’s leg has been punctured while being executed. Mr.Chen Li’s heroic scenes of sacrifice is still alive in the hearts of the people in Yan Yuan Town, Sichuan Province, China.

Zhang Xikun: Held high the torch of resistance in the Communist Labor Camp-Jail for decades. He frightened the Chinese Ministry of Public Security by creating an underground “Torch” journal under the Camp Guard’s bayonets. Since the secret has been exposed, the furious jail officer trapped him into confession for his partners, but he answered: “If you want me to confess my partners, I can tell you that, all the 600 millions of oppressed people in China were my partners !” He has been executed on August 1975, At the moment of the execution, his throat has been locked with steel wires by the brutal executioners.

Liu Sunseng: Held high the “Torch” for several decades, he won the respects from every fellow prisoners as a good teacher & helpful friend, but he became the most dangerous inciter in the eyes of the Labor Camp’s Authorities. He was not scared by the death of Zhang Xikun. Instead, he motivated himself for pursuing the road of hope persistently. In 1976 he escaped from the Camp Jail, later was captured back to Yan Yuan Camp. He has been executed at Yan Yuan Camp on September, 1977. At the moment of the execution, his throat has been locked with steel wires by the executioners as well as Zhang Xikun.

Pi Tianming: The faithful follower of the “Torch”, In 1976, he shielded fellow prisoner Liu Sunseng’s escaping. In order to revolt against the tailing and insulting by the accomplices, he angrily cleaved a lackey by using an axe. Mr.Pi Tianming has been executed at the Labor Camp on July,1976.

The above martyrs have features in common: they all have been deceived by CCP’s propaganda. When they awakened from being cheated, they will fight back to the deceivers with ten times stronger indignations. They believe that it was worthy to die for the truth and resisting tyranny with no regret. This kind of dynamical powers against the Communist violence were unexpected to the CCP regime. This is just the rivivals of the Soul for the Chinese nation in contemporary China. You will know about the details through .

The Part Two of 《Bloody Ordeal》 has recorded the post-totalitarianism area started from Deng Xiaoping’s leadership. In the begining, there was an implementation of rehabilitation policy for the unjustly and false cases nation-wide. The Part two started with “the Marathon of the policy implementation”. It described my self- contradictions about the Rehabilitation and the victims’ agonies. It was impossible to overcome this ‘sequelae’ left overs for the recovered “Home” after with my family broken up and decimated. I am worried about that if this unlimited ordeal will remain to my next generation. Moreover, As an example, I used some typical cases for describing a bunch of CCP bureaucrats’ performances which acting wildly in defiance of the rehabilitation policy implementation. Those bureaucrats worked as volleyball players to handle the cases and even more extorted money from the victims.

The Part Two contained 42 sections. It decribed the theoretical turmoir in CCP’s “Reforming & Opening Policy” with real persons and real stories. Deng Xiaoping’s theory was in the proberb as “It was a good cat who can catch the mice no matter who was white or black “. Deng’s theory obviously refuted Mao Zedong’s theory of “Class Struggle”, indecated that CCP’s theory equals void and is in confusion. The consequences are in chaos in the fields of economic constructure, reforming of state-own economy, Industrial & Agricultural production, Business activities, Legal system establishment, citizen supervising, morality establishment, citizen rights,culture and education, religions, relationship of races, Taiwan relationship, and deplomacy etc.

The Chinese Communist Part becomes the Party without any doctrines.
CCP is in China’s political power for 60 years already. Without idea and doctrine, but Its privileges of power was not allowed to be touched. This was typical One Pary Dictatorship in world’s history. Therefore, a group of selfish bureaucrats became corrupt & venal officials possessed the national treasury.The societies has no peace & stability. In June 4,1989, Chinese students held flag of ” Anti-Corruption & Anti-Venal Officials” , Deng Xiaoping decided to suppress this student movement by using tanks and machine guns. The Bloody Tianamen Square Massacre shocked the whole world….

Then Deng Xiaoping called: “Stability is the top priority over everything in this country!” , I stood in a small city in Sichuan province and wrote the several sections in my book 《Bloody Ordeal》 part Two. The section subtitle was “June 4, Chinese People are Shouting Angrily ” as the historical live records.

Based on my own knowledge and experiences, tried to forget the sorrows in my passed time, I would like to present my opinions through this book to CCP. Wish the dictatorship can be given up and go forward to the democracy which Chinese people and Chinese nation should deserve to have !

What about the 《Bloody Ordeal》 was telling you ?
Kong Lingping August 2009
English Translation by John D’Andrea
《血紀》告訴了你什麼 ? 作者 孔令平 英譯 譚德立

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