
Leader of Dutch party for Freedom Geert Wilders (2ndL), German AFD (Alternativ fuer Deutschland) leader Frauke Petry (2ndR) and leader of French Front National Marine Le Pen (R) pose for the press prior to a press conference at the European of Nations and Freedom (ENF) congress in Koblenz, western Germany, on January 21, 2017. 

French presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen is leading the European gathering of right-wing populist parties in a show of strength ahead of crucial elections across the region this year. The congress will also feature Geert Wilders of the Dutch far-right Freedom Party, Frauke Petry of the anti-migrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) and Matteo Salvini of Italy's xenophobic Northern League.
 / AFP / Roberto Pfeil        (Photo credit should read ROBERTO PFEIL/AFP/Getty Images)
另一个民调显示了类似的结果,该民调是 《法兰克福汇报》委托Allensbach研究所进行的,时间是2月1日至15日,受访者共1,542人。结果显示,社民党支持率为30.5%,联盟党得到33%支持率。选项党只有8.5%。绿党和左翼党则分别下降1.5%,都在8%;自民党的支持率维持在7%。