
Making early reservationsA: Mark, when are you going to give me those brochures?B: What’s the rush? You’re not leaving for another week.A: I know, but I want to make reservations t...
Looking over some lettersA: Mr. Emory? I’d appreciate it if you would look over these letters before you leave today.B: I’d be glad to. Just leave them on my desk. I didn’t expect ...
Leaving a little early A: Could I trouble you for a minute, Mr. Graham?B: Sure, Emily. How can I help you?A: I would like to leave a few minutes early today. Would that be all righ...
Problems with samplesA: John? Can you come over here for a second?B: Certainly, Mr. Emory. What can I do for you?A: I need you to take a look at these samples. I think there are a ...
Requesting a phone number A: Could you call Mr. Jacob for me, Sara? I need to go over some stuff with him.B: Of course, Mr. Roberts. But, could you tell me his extension number aga...
Preparing for sales meeting A: Rich! I’m glad I caught you. Mr. Carlton’s just come over here from the main office.B: Yeah? What does he want?A: He needs to see the two of us to ta...
Approving a new purchase A: Mr. Phillips? I have a request here from purchasing that needs your approval.B: Let me take a look. This is for a 486 computer with modem. Who’s it goin...
Awaiting a signatureA: Excuse me, Mr. White? I just need you to sign these before I leave.B: Sure, Sherry. Sorry to have kept you waiting. If you hadn’t told me, I probably would h...
Reviewing new resumesA: I’m sorry to disturb you, Mr. Crane.B: Yes, what is it, William?A: Could you please look over these resumes? They’ve just come in.B: All right, fine. Thank ...
Buying office equipmentA: We’re going to need a lot of new stuff after the holidays. Let’s make a list.B: Fine, Mr. Richardson. What do you have in mind?A: Well, to begin with, we’...
Insisting on a changeA: I’m sorry, Brad. But you are going to have to re-do this. B: What’s the problem, Ms. Murphy?A: It’s badly organized. I can’t present this to the board.B: I’...
Getting a take-out lunchA: Hey, Cindy? Are you getting take-out?B: Yeah, do you want something?A: Yeah, thanks. Could you pick me up a chicken salad sandwich, an order of fries, an...
Dealing with an interruption A: Excuse me, Ms. Montgomery?B: I’m sorry, Jeff. Please don’t interrupt me right now. I’m in the middle of a conversation.A: Oh, I’m sorry, Ms. Montgom...
Asking someone to waitA: Would you please take a seat over there, madam? I’ll let Mr. Emory know that you’re here.B: Thanks. I can wait here.A: Well, it may take some time. Mr. Emo...
Requesting some dataA: Susan, we’re going to need those data before tomorrow.B: I know. I’m just waiting for confirmation on one of them. I can get them to you by tomorrow morning....
Meeting your assistantA: Karen? I need to go over a few things with you.B: Certainly. Mr. Graham. When would you like to meet?A: I was thinking about this afternoon, after the sale...
Arranging a budget discussionA: Roger? Would it be possible to meet with you to discuss my department’s budget?B: Of course, Debbie. Let me look at my schedule, -- I have some free...
Scheduling for you bossA: Good morning, Mr. Winthrop. This is Sally Parker, Mr. Emory’s secretary. Mr. Emory has asked me to set up a meeting with you.B: Certainly, Miss Parker, Le...
picking up a clientA: All right, Mr. Crane, when will you be arriving in the city?B: I should be coming in on the 11:30 mooring flight. How far is the office from the airport?A: On...
Meeting with an accountantA: Mr. Reynolds? Rick Murphy. I’m the accounting manager for Macmillan and Emory, Incorporated.B: Nice to meet you. How can I help you?A: I would like to ...
A job-seeking interviewA: Thank you for your application, Mr. Sweeney. Mr. Jacobs would like to set up an interview for early next week. Do you have time?B: Yes, ma’am. I could com...
A meeting about bonusesA: Hi, Grant. How is everything?B: Pretty well, thanks. We’ve just been incredibly busy! I need to set up a meeting for Mr. Graham.A: Sure. What’s it about?B...
Reviewing employment contractA: Excuse me, Mr. Rodriguez? Could I speak with you for a moment?B: I can’t just now, Susan. Could we get together this afternoon? What’s it about?A: W...
Fax machine maintenanceA: Excuse me, Richard? Are you busy at the moment?B: Not really, Betty. What do you need?A: My fax machine’s on the blink. Would you take a look at it?B: Sur...
Setting up a staff meetingA: We’re going to need everybody’s input on this project. So I’d like to fix a time to meet next week and hear what you all have to say.B: I’d prefer to m...
Arranging a group meetingA: I’d like to set a fixed time for this meeting before we finish today. Can you all take a look at your schedules?B: Thursday mornings are usually the slo...
Next week’s meetingA: Let’s meet before next week’s meeting, Jane. I want to kick around some ideas with you.B: No problem. I’ve got a really light week. Anytime’s fine by me.A: We...
Making a sales appointmentA: Good morning, Mr. Emory. I was hoping to set up an appointment with you for sometime this week.B: Hmm. I’m pretty booked up this week. Let’s move it up...
Secretary schedules a meetingA: Mr. Crane’s office. Sandy speaking. May I help you?B: Hi, Sandy. It’s Walter Knight. I need to book some time with Mr. Crane.A: Certainly, Mr. Knigh...
A last minute appointmentA: Joe, can you squeeze me in sometime today?B: That’s a big order, Jane. I am really swamped.A: I know what you’re saying, but I have to go over the books...
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