
学习一门语言的最好方法是什么?过去几十年来对人脑的研究,学习机构公开了很多人脑如何才能达到最佳学习状态的研究。一项著名研究是1960年代发表的“学习金字塔”。 “学习金字塔”概括了人如何才能做到储存信息的最佳状态。这一理论认为:课堂学习的效果最差,而小组讨论、实习、教导他人及及时应用的学习过程,学习效果最佳。如果只靠听老师讲课,而缺乏实际的演练,学习者...
lighten 当动词有“使变轻;使变亮”的意思,引申为“让人变开心”。当我们叫人 Lighten up. 就是要他停止负面的情绪,不要再抱怨、苛责、或消沈了。
on board可指“搭乘(车、船、飞机等)”或“到职”,引申为“同意的”,常见的句型为 be on board with sth.,例如:I’m on board with it.“我同意”。
oll 可以解释为“损害”,当我们说一个事物 take a toll on sb./sth.,就表示做那件事,或是使用某种东西会伤害人的健康,或对物品造成损害。
hang 有“吊死”的意思,对话中 Jack 是用双关语嘲笑自己受尽 Carol的折磨。
over one’s head 无法应付;自不量力 这句话是形容某人处于无法掌控的状况,或是尝试去做超过自己能力太多的事情。 句型 …is in over one’s head. A: Do you need some help on your project? 你的案子需要帮忙吗? B: Yeah, that would be great. I...
Rick: You OK, buddy? You look tired. Does your preggers wife have you at her beck and call? Jack: How did you know? I can’t seem to please her. It’s 1)24/7.… Rick: Just wait till...
Here we/you go. 可不是“往这边走”喔!Here we/you go. 也可以说 Here we/you are. 或 Here. 都用在拿东西给人家的同时,表示“拿去、来,这是要给你的东西”。
1) nutrition (n.) 营养,营养成分 Good nutrition is important for growing children. 营养良好对成长中的孩子极为重要。 2) bring up (phr.) 谈到,提及 If you’re concerned about your weight, you should bring it up...
Calling in sickA: Hello, Ms. Murphy?B: Yes? Who’s calling?A: It’s John Anderson. I’m afraid I’m going to be out sick today. I’ve got a nasty cold. I hope you don’t mind, ma’am.B: N...
Getting a ride after workA: Good morning, Personnel. May I help you?B: Hi, could I speak to Nancy please?A: This is she. Paul?B: Yeah, it’s me. Can you give me a lift after work?
Wrong departmentA: Good morning. Macmillan and Emory. May I help you?B: Is this the accounting department?A: No, I’m sorry. You’ve reached Mr. Macmillan’s office. Let me just put y...
Bad file organizationA: Where’s the James’s file, Christine?B: I had it right here a minute ago, Mr. Emory. Umm. Just a minute…A: Christine, I know you’re new here and there’s a lo...
Angry over a change in plansA: Susan! Why didn’t you tell me that you were taking over the Silk Company account?B: I thought you knew, Todd. It was decided last week. I guess you w...
Problems with taking creditA: Mary? I’d like to talk to you for a second, please.B: Okay, Mark, What’s up?A: I’d like to know why you’re always taking credit for work we’ve done to...
Requesting boss’ criticismA: Mr. Farmington? Would you take a look at these catalogue ads that Roger did? I don’t think we can use them.B: Hmm. I see what you mean. Have you spoken...
Advice on client relationsA: Carla, I know you’re kind of new in this business and I want to give you some advice.B: Yes, Mr. Michaels?A: You have to listen to what the client asks...
Clarifying some tasksA: I’m not sure what you expect me to do, Michelle. You’ve not been very clear about any of this.B: I’m sorry, Clint. Maybe I didn’t make myself clear enough. ...
Bonus complaintsA: Ms. Montgomery? Do you have a moment?B: Sure, Brian. What’s on your mind?A: I’m a bit upset about this year’s bonus. I was really expecting a little more. Are th...
A snag in the plansA: Jason. There’s a snag in the plans for the Hoover Center.B: What’s wrong? I thought everything was set.A: Well, it was. But the contractor’s just told me he’s...
An interview problemA: Well, I really just have two problems with this.B: Yes, sir?A: I’m concerned about your lack of marketing experience and, frankly, your age, you’re pretty ne...
Criticizing a lack of effortA: Allan, I am really disappointed by your lack of effort on this project.B: Look, Sally. I’ve put just as much work into this as anybody else.A: No, I’...
Criticizing an employeeA: Janet? You still have not given me those files I’ve asked you for.B: I’m sorry, Mr. Myers. I’ve just been so busy today.A: I really don’t want to hear you...
Sorting out problemsA: Rachel? I’m not sure how you want to handle this account. I think there are a few things to be sorted out.B: I agree, Toni. I think the biggest problem we’re...
Waiting on a clientA: Alex! What are you guys doing over there?B: What do you mean, Janice?A: I’ve been waiting for a response on the Blake Building design for nearly two weeks.B: ...
Getting a new computer A: Mr. Emory? I think it’s time to get a new computer.B: Why, Christine? I think the one we have is fine.A: For the amount of work we do on the computer thes...
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