免费乘车为许多老人提供了走出家门,参加老年活动的有利条件,得到交友、健身、益智、娱乐的机会,获益匪浅。为争取保留此项福利, 华美老年协会曾组织61 位老人出席蒙郡议会的听证会作证。
请将签名信邮寄至:Council President Andrew and Council members
100 Maryland Ave. Rockville MD 20850
Honorable Council President Andrew and Council members,
We consider ourselves fortunate to live in Montgomery County. Our County government has been extremely supportive of seniors and provides great services to ensure we lead a self-reliant and dignify live.
Since the Senior Free Ride-On and Metro Bus program begun, We had been attended the senior activities in County Community Centers. Also, have senior nutrition Lunch there. This reflects the free Ride-On program is successful to get more seniors to go out. The free transportation gives seniors incentive and makes it more affordable to leave their home to participate in community activities. As we know the more seniors participate in activities the more it will help both their mental and physical health. With healthier seniors, the County will save money.
Recently, CASSA did a survey on our bus riders. Based on 868 regular participants of seniors to the senior programs, 604 seniors use public transportation. This composes 70% of the participants. If the Free Ride On program is eliminated, we foresee a major decline of seniors to CASSA’s programs.
On April 21, 2009, many CASSA seniors from Plum Gar Community Center attended the Free Ride On hearing. When we learned about the April, 21 hearing and we were not included, we wished to voice our opinion as well by signing the attached petition.
We strongly urge the County to continue with the free Ride On and Metro Bus for seniors and persons with disabilities.(//www.dajiyuan.com)