othschild’s 25- Point Plan For World Domination
犹太人Mayer Rothschild之25点控制世界计划
1. Use violence and terrorism rather than academic discussions.
2. Preach “Liberalism” to usurp political power.
3. Initiate class warfare.
4. Politicians must be cunning and deceptive – any moral code leaves a politician vulnerable.
5. Dismantle “existing forces of order and regulation.” Reconstruct all existing institutions.
6. Remain invisible until the very moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning or force can undermine it.
7. Use Mob Psychology to control the masses. “Without absolute despotism one cannot rule efficiently.”
8. Advocate the use of alcoholic liquors, drugs, moral corruption and all forms of vice, used systematically by “agenteurs” to corrupt the youth.
9. Seize properties by any means to secure submission and sovereignty.
10. Foment wars and control the peace conferences so that neither of the combatants gains territory placing them further in debt and therefore into our power.
11. Choose candidates for public office who will be “servile and obedient to our commands, so they may be readily used as pawns in our game.”
为公务机关选一位候选人,“但必须要服从我们的命令,并甘心于在我们的计划中充 当走卒”。
12. Use the Press for propaganda to control all outlets of public information, while remaining in the shadows, clear of blame.
利用媒体宣传来控制所有公共资讯的接入口,让它们保持在为我所予取予用的状态, 使事实真相永处秘密,而清空一切批判。
13. Make the masses believe they had been the prey of criminals. Then restore order to appear as the saviors.
14. Create financial panics. Use hunger to control to subjugate the masses.
15. Infiltrate Freemasonry to take advantage of the Grand Orient Lodges to cloak the true nature of their work in philanthropy. Spread their atheistic-materialistic ideology amongst the “Goyim” (gentiles).
渗透共济会,利用Grand Orient Lodges来掩盖他们的慈善事业背后的意图,并在”G oyim” 群体里散布无神论的唯物论思想。
16. When the hour strikes for our sovereign lord of the entire World to be crowned, their influence will banish everything that might stand in his way.
17. Use systematic deception, high-sounding phrases and popular slogans. “The opposite of what has been promised can always be done afterwards… That is of no consequence.”
利用系统性的欺骗,响亮的语句与大众口号,反正“反对方的承诺通常是在之后才做 ,而且总没有什么后果”。
18. A Reign of Terror is the most economical way to bring about speedy subjection.
19. Masquerade as political, financial and economic advisers to carry out our mandates with Diplomacy and without fear of exposing “the secret power behind national and international affairs” .
20. Ultimate world government is the goal. It will be necessary to establish huge monopolies, so even the largest fortunes of the Goyim will depend on us to such an extent that they will go to the bottom together with the credit of their governments on the day after the great political smash.
终极目标是成立世界政府。因此有必要建立庞大的垄断体系,最大限制的控制Goyim 的财富,将之置于最底端,连其政府信用也如此,特别是在其大的政治破产之后。
21. Use economic warfare. Rob the “Goyim” of their landed properties and industries with a combination of high taxes and unfair competition.
22. Make the “Goyim” destroy each other so there will only be the proletariat left in the world, with a few millionaires devoted to our cause, and sufficient police and soldiers to protect our interest.
挑唆Goyim相互毁灭,让其世上惟余下无产者,与来参与我们事业的少数富豪,保持 足够力量的员警与军队来保护我们的利益。
23. Call it The New Order. Appoint a Dictator.
24. Fool, bemuse and corrupt the younger members of society by teaching them theories and principles we know to be false.
25. Twist national and international laws into a contradiction which first the law and afterwards hides it altogether. Substitute arbitration for law。
混淆国家与国际之间的法律将之导入冲突,先使法律伪化后使之无用,最后以我们的 调定代替之。
注解:1,agenteurs,犹太教语;2,Goyim,犹太教语指非犹太教的异教徒,一般系基督徒;3,Grand Orient Lodges,本为东方大酒店,此处当为犹太人的某一组织。