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大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网5月21日讯】(大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网记者南希华盛顿DC报导)在美国国会众议院CANNON大楼召开法轮功10周年和平反迫害新闻发布会,美国加利福尼亚州共和党联邦众议员达纳‧罗拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher)到场支持并发表演讲,他认为法轮功作为一种信仰只能对世界有利,不仅对中国,对美国,对全世界都有帮助。法轮功是世界唯一的希望。

达纳‧罗拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher)议员在演讲中披露与中共天主教神父的一段交谈,他惊讶的发现中共天主教神父能残忍诅咒说着关于对法轮功屠杀、迫害、与谋杀的话。




来自纽约、华盛顿、费城、亚特兰大、芝加哥等城市的20多位直接受迫害的法轮功学员或家属,在美国国会众议院CANNON大楼召开法轮功10周年和平反迫害新闻发布会。多位联邦国会议员到场支持,表示对法轮功学员十年如一日坚持和平反迫害的努力予以嘉奖,并将尽一切努力帮助法轮功学员及家人呼吁营救,早日制止中共迫害。 (摄影:丽莎/大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网)

以下是美国加利福尼亚州共和党联邦众议员达纳‧罗拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher)发言全文(经录音整理成文)


10年前法轮功和平上访 中共回应以残暴镇压






现在我想要知道在这个会场里有多少人是美国公民?如果你是请举手(注:30多位来宾举手)。我想告诉你们什么是美国公民,我们说:“美国(United States)”,或者简称为“US”,“US”就是“我们”的意思。所以那些举手的美国公民,你们就是“US我们/US美国”的一部分。


所以我一定会帮助你们(法轮功学员),我知道国会议员Chris Smith先生也会帮助你们的。我们会尽最大努力的帮助你们那些目前仍然处于危险与正在遭受迫害痛苦的亲人。

感谢法轮功学员 帮助争取人权和尊严



我曾经和联邦参议员Henry Hyde先生一起去过中国。在那里他们让我和一个人坐在一起,这个人穿着天主教的服装,是那种神父的打扮,胸前挂着一个大大的十字架。他说他信奉的是罗马天主教,他是中国天主教教会的代表。在聊天时,我问他“你对法轮功被迫害是怎么个看法?”他说:“哦,他们是一群恐怖份子,他们应该被……我们必须要镇压他们。”我说:“等一等,你确信罗马天主教同意你这样的说法?”他说:“罗马天主教跟我们有什么关系?我们是中国的天主教教会。”当然,罗马的天主教教会是他们教会的上司。然后我说:“等一等,你不是天主教徒?!”


法轮功只能对世界有利 是世界唯一的希望




邪恶比看起来要脆弱得多 我们却强壮得很



让我们确保国会议员Chris Smith先生与我们站在一起。他是一位勇敢又有智慧的国会领袖。我赞赏你们长期不懈的努力,并且我会尽最大的努力帮助你们!



与中共做生意 用金钱滋养保障其地位与罪恶


里根支持中国人权 后续者淡忘偏离

我曾经为里根(Ronald Reagan)总统工作过。你们也许知道,我曾经是里根总统演讲稿的撰稿人。在7年的工作期间,我确实写了许多他讲过的名言。我曾经去过中国,为了去协助一位美国的总统。对于那个协定,是非常明确的,因为是我写的那个协定,我写的内容。







不要纵容邪恶势力(中共) 要向它说“不”!




达纳‧罗拉巴克(Dana Rohrabacher)议员透露自己与赵小兰家庭交往的一段往事,赵家感谢达纳‧罗拉巴克的父亲作为美国空军飞行员到上海帮助当时战乱的中国人。达纳‧罗拉巴克深感自己与刚去世的父亲一样,对中国人有很强的使命。(大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网资料图片)






最近,我父亲过世了。我的姑姑寄给我一些我父亲在第二次世界大战期间拍的照片。那些照片是在上海不同地方拍摄的,我父亲在那时大约20岁左右,是一个胖胖的来自美国北达科达州(North Dakota)的年轻人,被调防到上海。在我们与赵小兰父母那次的聊天中,他讲的是他住在上海的时候。很显然的,他有很多中国的朋友,那些中国朋友几乎都没有工作,或者为美国人以及其他人工作。那是一个可怕的年代。


父子相同使命 帮助解救中国人民



The fact is that we cannot count on the corporate leader to lead us to the right direction. It is a strange thing for Americans, because we were always brought up to know that the people, who lead the great corporations, are Americans who succeeded, thus, are so proud of the American values. I am afraid that the corporate who lead of this country have actually betrayed the values of our people. And it is the people like Christ Smith, who are going to lead this country, in a moral direction.

Today, we are remembering an anniversary of the actual appeals to the communist system in China on behalf of recognition of basic human rights values. And, the reaction as we know has been an increasingly repression.

The fact is that not only the people in China, in the last ten years, had suffered because of this, but it has been the people of the world. What has this regime in China done for the last ten years? For ten years, there was this appeal of “please don’t suppress us”. But now we found with ignoring that appeal for the last ten years, people all over the world have suffered. Who are suffering? The people of Sudan. The people in Venezuela. You name it. The Chinese government has gone all over the world making deals with the worst and corrupt dictatorships of the world. So, it is up to us to make sure that the Number One, we cannot rely on the corporate America. So, it has to be with us.

Now may I know how many of you are American citizens? Please raise your hand if you are an American citizen. I want to tell you about being an American citizen. We say “United States”. All we are talking about is us – US. US means us. And now those who raised their hands are US citizens now. You are part of “us”. And, we cannot permit the corporate lead this country to tell us what the moral values are. And today, because of all these disastrous consequences around the world with Sudan, we found that right now our own US citizens, “us”, the family members of US citizens suffered the type of repression that we tried to head off ten years ago.

So, I will be working with you. And I know Chris Smith will. We will try our best for your family and your loved ones, who are currently in jeopardy and currently suffering the consequences. But you know that we are all gonna die someday. So, let’s make sure that we do good things while we are alive, trying to help one another, and make a better world. So, I am very very pleased to stand with the Falun Gong and others around the world, who have more respect for the dignity and honor of each person, on this planet that God has given these rights to. Thank you very much for what you are doing. (You can) count on me to try the best as I can.

I went to China with Henry Hyde. And they sat down a guy next to me, in a Catholic outfit, in a priest outfit with a big cross around his neck. He claimed to be Roman Catholic. He said that “I am the representative of the Catholic Church in China.” So as the conversation went on, I asked him “what do you think of the persecution of Falun Gong?” And he said: “Well, they are a bunch of terrorists. They deserve to be… we have to repress them.” I said: “Wait a minute.” I said: “Are you sure Rome will agree with the assessment?” “What does Rome to do with it? This is the Catholic Church in China. Of course, the Catholic church in Rome is their head of the church.” And I said: “Wait a minute, you are not a Catholic.” And I was so upset. I almost did something that would create a scene. So I just got up from the table and I went to the bathroom, and I stayed there for the rest of the dinner. I just couldn’t stand to be near this person, claiming my relation with Christianity and then saying words about brutalizing, repressing and murdering other human beings for their spiritual beliefs.

Falun Gong, I believe, and other people of faith, are the only hope for the world. Not just for China, not just for “us”, the Americans, but for the whole world, because this regime is the impediment in China of evil. And they will go and foster other evil forces on the land. And we can only stop evil with activating goodness, which I call “God”. God is Good. And we people, who are trying to plug into the goodness of the universe. We’ve got to counteract this negative thing, or it will overwhelm the planet with negativity and evil. And it is in the process of doing that right now. And who are the greatest allies of the evil of this planet? They are people that run that government themselves in China and also the corporate US leaders, who have created the financial strength and power of these rulers and these dictators in China, who are now repressing your families and others. And it is around the world making alliances with other evil forces.

So, let’s try to make sure that we get all of our allies in, and all of “us”, the people in United States, are together on this. But we also work with those people throughout the world to defeat this evil force. It can be done. We did it with the Soviet communism. Who would have thought in Russia… I visited Russia, and people worship God there. They authorize people to worship God there. There are churches all over the place. Thirty years ago that wasn’t the case. Maybe there is this miracle in front of our eyes that we don’t even see, because these people of evil are a lot weaker than they appear to be. And we are a lot stronger.

Three days ago, I had triplets. God gave me three little babies. An one boy and two girls. And they were five years old, three days ago. I am already been rewarded for doing good things. But it never passes my vision; I never forget that if my wife were in China, we would have been criminals, because we have three babies, instead of one.

Let’s make sure we get Chris Smith, he is just a gallant leader and I applaud all of you for being very active and I try to help as much as I can, thank you.

(Q&A section; Questions are omitted)

I asked him: “You know that in China, that that government is arresting people because of their religious conventions and putting them in prison.”

I haven’t been with this president yet. But I hope that someone would touch his heart.


The communist China now is (not) free people, with the dictatorship controlling people, thus controlling the trade. Well, what happened? We ended up creating trillions of dollars of wealth to flow into that society, but it is not going to benefit the people. Just like in a free society, the wealth will flow out, but in a non-free society, the people that have the control and make the relations and the rules as to how the system works. So, what they have coming in will bolster their position.

I worked with Ronald Reagan. As you probably know, I was Ronald Reagan’s speech writer. And for seven years, I actually wrote things that he said. We went to China, to assist one of the presidents of the States. And the deal, which was very clear, because I wrote the deal. I wrote the words. And that was, as long as China continues to be opened up, as long as there is liberalization and people’s rights are being respected. And we will continue to have an open market to China. And we will continue to transfer technology and investment that will build up the economy of China. And it all was very clear that it was contingent upon the expansion of freedom and democracy in that country. Well, what happened was, of course, Donald Reagan was no longer the president of the United States, when we had the democracy movement meeting in Tiananmen Square.

And, I will tell you right now, that if Donald Reagan had been the president, the Chinese Communist Party would not unleash the army at that slaughter on Tiananmen Square. Someone asked: “Why, you think Reagan would threaten to use our troops?” I said: “No, no, no, no. Reagan would send a telegram, a telegram that would have said “if you slaughter, if you turn your troops loose on these democracy people, all our deals will be off. No more credit. No more technology. No more investment. No more open borders for trade. That is what Reagan would have done. You know what, they wouldn’t have it done. They would figure out that “we cannot do this”. Well, what would the telegram say if President Bush had sent it? He didn’t say anything, because he didn’t send a telegram. He didn’t send the letter. He didn’t make the phone call. So, the leadership of the communist party in China said to themselves: “Americans don’t care about democracy. They care about making money! That’s all they care about.” But I can assure you while Reagan and I, myself, are free enterprise. We believe in capitalism. But we don’t believe that money is the end of what the values that we talk about in a free society. People are trying to achieve their value, and we would hope, and I will only stand for it that we try to also promote human values, and thus, people are free to accept or not. But that’s what should be promoted. Unfortunately, the person that headed the government after Reagan left didn’t place his value on this human rights and human dignity as Reagan did. So, what happened? That was twenty years ago. For twenty years, we have been filling the coffers, but that money has gone. It is under the control of dictators. There are a billion people in China, who are still living in abject poverty.

So, what we have done is to have created an evil force in society. But how we get off it? That is the question. How do we sever that? Just need to start right away. So make the right decisions now. We’ve got to say that try not to make decisions that will make things worse. Anything that gave more power to a dictatorship is making the planet worse. And what we do with these rogues and bullets that run China? Today, we are making it worse. So we need to start right now. For example, they are pushing to have satellites from United States and Europe to be launched on Chinese rockets. I would take that if China had a democratic government in Beijing. That’s Ok with me. But until then, the last thing we should be doing is having these high-technology programs with that government. And in the end, they will benefit from them. Or, we will become dependent upon them, which is just equally mad. So, what the answer is that you have to find the bullet, at least to not make it worse.


Years ago, when I was working in the Reagan White House, Elaine Chao (赵小兰)was working in the white house. She was the secretary of labor. The Elaine’s father is a very successful shipper. He was an international trader. All the shipping lines are worth lots of money. And he speaks fluent English, I mean, perfect English. My father came to the second inauguration of Ronald Reagan. We went into the executive dining room, as I had those privileges in the Reagan White House. And there was Elaine and her family, and I took my mother and father around the big table for breakfast right before the inauguration. My dad had just sat down, and we were talking. And I said: “Where do you come from.” Elaine said: “We come from Shanghai.” He said: “Oh, Shanghai. I was actually the first American pilot, the first American to land in Shanghai right near the end of the WWII.” My squad was assigned over to the Philippines. I was over there, right till the end of the war, to help make arrangements and things. And I was the first guy, first American, to have landed in Shanghai.” And Elaine’s parents said: “Oh yes. That was a horrible time. The Japanese solders were in mutiny. They were murdering and raping people. And there was a total breakdown, in civilization. That was a horror story, a nightmare. We lived through that.” My father actually lived in Shanghai for a year. Recently, my father passed away. My aunt sent me old pictures taken in WWII. There are various shots in Shanghai, including my father in his 20s: a chubby American youth from North Dakota, transported way over there to Shanghai. During the conversation, when he lived there. Obviously, you had lots of Chinese people, who were working for almost nothing, for the Americans and everybody else. That was a horrible time. Mr. Chao earns a million dollars. He speaks perfect English. His suit is worth more than all of my clothes put together. My father said: “ah I just got this watch”. And, it was an electronic watch. He asked: “What is this?” And he goes: “Watchy-watchy?” I got really embarrassed. The lady’s parents grabbed me by the arm and said: “You know, we can tell that you were very embarrassed by your father. Never, ever be embarrassed by your father. We love your father. He was the one came to save us.” That’s my job. We have to save these people, whether they are in China, or else where. And they will never forget.


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