



Swine Flu: A Devastating Prospect for China



1. devastating: adj. 毁灭性的

2. prospect :n. 前景

3. influenza: n. 流行性感冒

4. pandemic :adj. 普遍的(疾病)

5. outbreak: n. 暴发

6. mixture: n. 混合物

According to a recent World Health Organization announcement, the new H1N1 strain of the swine flu has infected over one thousand people across twenty countries.


Among the most concerned is one doctor based in mainland China, who exposed corruption in China’s food industry late last year. Here’s a look at what Dr. Wang Haizhen has to say.


Last week, the World Health Organization raised the current level of influenza pandemic to phase 5, which means there’s a widespread outbreak of the virus in humans.


7. veterinarian :n. 兽医

8. formula: n. 配方

9. feed :n. 饲料

10. falsely :adv. 无根据地

11. embezzlement: n. 盗用公款

12. extended :adj. 长期的

UN Food and Agriculture Organization Chief Veterinary Officer Joseph Domenech, says the new virus has genetic materials from human, bird and pig influenza strains. This is the first time such a mixture has ever occurred.


Dr. Wang Haizhen is a mainland Chinese veterinarianwho exposed corruption in China’s food industry late last year.


Until 2005, Dr. Wang and her husband worked in the Feilong Animal Pharmaceutical Company in Hebei Province, China. Dr. Wang’s husband, the company’s sales manager at the time, discovered that drugs for humans were being illegally used in the formulas for some animal feedthe company had been producing. She is concerned that if swine flu enters China the consequences would be unimaginable.


[Wang Haizhen, Veterinarian]: (Chinese, female):

“When human medicines are used to treat animals, for example with the current swine flu, then the variant strain of the virus is likely to become more harmful. If you want to use the original medicine to treat the new strain [in humans], the efficacy of the medicine will definitely be less. In this way, no medicine will be able to cure the virus.”



Dr. Wang says that when her husband attempted to bring the situation to the attention of authorities, the head of the legal department of the company falsely accused him of embezzlement, and he was sentenced to four years in prison. The Feilong Animal Pharmaceutical Company changed its name and continued business as usual.


Dr. Wang says that human drugs are being misused to satisfy the demands of farmers. She says that if a person eats the meat from an animal that has been given human drugs, over an extended period of time, that person’s sensitivity to those drugs will drop until the drugs are no longer effective at all.



