


Chinese Invents “Walking Chair”


本则英语影音新闻及出处:新唐人电视台英语新闻 //english.ntdtv.com/ntdtv_en/ns_life/2009-04-02/288463386813.html (可线上观看)”


1. retiree: n. 退休者

2. hectic: adj. 忙碌的

3. buzz: n. 嗡嗡声

4. debut: n.首演

5. disabled people: n. 残障人士

6. staircases: n. 楼梯

Like many people, 65-year-old Beijing resident Li Rongbiao was looking forward to peace and quiet after he retired from his job a few years ago. But after an accident in his family, this retiree now finds his life more hectic than ever.


Li is the inventor of what he calls “the walking chair,” which has created a buzz after making its debut at China ‘s largest expo for disabled people two months ago.


[Li Rongbiao, Walking Chair Inventor]:

“One time, my wife and I were taking a walk. But she fell and broke her leg. It was so difficult for me to get her upstairs. That’s why I decided I should invent a ‘transportation tool’ for staircases.”



7. crumbling: adj. 破烂的

8. spare: n. 零件

9. wheelchair: n. 轮椅

10. appeal: n. 吸引力

11. innovation: n. 创新

12. pension: n. 养老金

Orders are now flying in and Li’s crumbling workshop in the suburbs of Beijing receives more visitors from across the country.


The “walking chair” is an electric chair made out of over 1,000 spares. It can take people up and down stairs and also works as a wheelchair on flat ground.


Li says part of the appeal of his chair is that it costs much less than similar products in Germany or Japan . It sells for about $1,500.


To fund the research and the various drafts of his chair, Li sold his house in Beijing and took out his life’s savings and pension. He then spent two years perfecting his innovation inside a simple workshop some 28 kilometers outside the city.


Li always kept the door of his workshop closed so he could work in peace just a little to peaceful for authorities who thought he could be making explosives.


After reassuring police that his inventions were to help, Li was able to hire seven workers from the area.


It takes the workers two and a half days to finish one chair because they are all made by hand.


So far, Li has sold 30 chairs, but has orders for over 300 waiting to be filled.


