
流行美语 第283课

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Larry答应去跟小燕的父母一起吃晚饭,但是心里觉得很不自在,担心他们觉得自己是在跟小燕谈恋爱。今天我们要学两个常用语:take something the wrong way和rush into something.

(Door knocking).

LL: Just a minute!

XY: (Door opening) Hey Larry! 我能进来吗?

LL: Sure…so how are things? Are you enjoying your new car?

XY: 这辆车开起来过瘾极了,我父母觉得我买的车太贵,可我觉得,物有所值,好车开起来简直就是一种享受。

LL: That’s great, Xiaoyan! Hey, do you mind if I ask you a question? Don’t take this the wrong way, but….

XY: 你说什么?什么wrong way。

LL: Oh. Well, ‘take something the wrong way’ means to misunderstand what another person says, and it makes them think that something is wrong, but it really isn’t.

XY: 我知道了,take something the wrong way就是误解别人的意思。你说吧,我听着,保证不会误解你的意思。I won’t take it the wrong way.

LL: Honestly… I don’t know if I want to meet your family tonight.

XY: 什么?不是都说好了吗?你要打退堂鼓?你是害怕我父母?还是压根儿就不喜欢我?

LL: Ah, see? I was afraid that you would take this the wrong way…

XY: 你不把话说清楚,别人当然会误解。那你倒是说说看,你的理由是什么!

LL: I’m not sure if it’s such a good idea. It might imply…

XY: 暗示?有什么好暗示的,不就是吃顿便饭嘛。我父母在商界熟人多,我觉得对你今后发展有好处。这难道有什么不对吗?

LL: I still think you’re taking this the wrong way. Meeting your parents is a significant step. They may also take this the wrong way.

XY: 你担心我父母误会? Don’t take THIS the wrong way, 可你怎么越说我越糊涂啊。

LL: (Sigh) Perhaps I’m just thinking too much about this.

XY: 就是嘛,你真的没什么可担心的。我父母特别想见你。

LL: Ok, then. I’m ready. How do I look?

XY: 简直帅呆了。我们走吧!



XY: 我父母可能会问你一些问题,你得事先想好怎么回答。

LL: Oh? And what kind of questions do they plan on asking? Professional? Personal?

XY: 其实也没有那么严重,无非是问问你的工作和生活情况,还有我们两人今后的打算。

LL: Oh, that’s not too – WHAT? OUR future plans? Are you serious?

XY: 你也不用告诉他们特别具体的计划,随便说说就行了。

LL: Ok. Wow. Xiaoyan, can we pull over for a minute? I think we need to have a talk. Here’s a spot – you can pull in there.

XY: 你干嘛让我赶快停车啊,你要上洗手间吗?那你可得快点,我父母最不喜欢别人迟到了。

LL: Our future plans? Our future plans? What are you talking about? This is something that I have not considered.

XY: 你今后没有打算吗?我们今后的道路还远着呢,当然得好好规划一下。不过没关系,我可以帮你解释。

LL: Don’t you think we’re rushing into things?

XY: Rush? 我们要是不赶紧上路,我就真得一路飞奔,才能不晚了。

LL: No. I was talking about the relationship. When people ‘rush into things’ in a relationship, they advance or push the levels of seriousness in the relationship too quickly – too early.

XY: 你是说我们的关系发展得太快了吗?我又没说马上就嫁给你。

LL: Wow. That’s REALLY rushing into things, Xiaoyan! I’m talking about meeting your parents. I have been trying to tell you that I don’t feel comfortable meeting your parents because we are not dating. We are just friends.

XY: 朋友也可以一起吃饭啊,跟朋友的父母吃顿饭有什么大不了的吗?

LL: I just don’t think I’m ready to meet your parents. I don’t want to make them think that we are in a romantic relationship.

XY: 你不愿意让他们知道?好,那我们就不谈今后的打算。这总行了吧。你别那么紧张,放松一点,我父母特别随和,晚饭一定会很愉快的。不过啊,我们可真得赶紧走了。

LL: (Reluctantly) Ok…

我们今天学习了两个常用语。一个是take something the wrong way, 是误解别人的意思。另一个是rush into something, 意思是进展太急。(//www.dajiyuan.com)

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