


Souls Awakened







































Ju, a fellow practitioner, once went to the hospital with me in the same car. Her leg had been disabled by the tortures as well.

Ju, who was in her thirties, was a college English teacher before being put in Chatou.

She smiled at me the second she saw me. Ju always could smile even at the riskiest and hardest moment.

While we were in the First Brigade, Hua once asked my husband to bring me a small plasticc bag of preserved vegetable and a thermos mug when he visited me (Hua was put in a brainwashing gulag soon after she was released from Chatou).

Usually, after visitation, we would be frisked and the stuff our families brought us would be checked. But the guard didn’t do the checking that day.

As soon as I obtained the thermos mug, I took out the glass liner, then saw a thick layer of paper skillfully crammed into the shell of the mug, on which was printed Master Li’s latest lecture given in the United States.

I immediately told Ju and the other three fellow practitioners in the brigade. We decided to copy Master Li’s lecture and deliver It to the fellow practitioners in the Fourth Brigade as soon as possible.

The five of us shared the job: I copied, and the other fellow practitioners proofread.

At the time, being frightened by Dafa practitioners’ strike (The stunned guards said it was the first strike in Chatou’s history), Chatou decided to adopt a policy of mollification on Dafa practitioners for the time being. So the First Brigade had dismissed watching-inmates, had Dafa practitioners sleep on the top bunks, allowed Dafa practitioners to read a few magazines and keep pen and writing-paper; and Dafa practitioners didn’t have to labor at night.

But whenever Dafa practitioners held a pen, the guards would panic. They would immediately come, or send the patrolling-inmates, to peek around us, attempting to see what we were writing.

Every night, while I lay prone on the bunk in the cell alone (All my cellmates were laboring in the factory), copying Master Li’s lecture swiftly, the patrolling-inmates would tiptoe into the cell and peek at me time and again. I would immediately cover the stuff I was copying with a magazine, pretending like I was reading the magazine.

(I held up the magazine the whole time while writing, so that the guards and patrolling-inmates couldn’t easily see me writing from the cell window.)

Thus, while writing as fast as I could, I had to watch out for human figures with the corner of my eye and keep an ear to human steps.

There were a few times the guards deliberately had me out the cell to “have a heart-to-heart talk” with them, and meanwhile sent the patrolling-inmates to the cell to check what I might be writing.

But every time they called me out, I made an excuse that enabled me to step out the cell a bit later, so that I could buy time to lock my stuff in the locker swiftly.

(Every inmate had a tiny locker in the cell for keeping personal belongings. The guards would suddenly order us to hand in our keys and ransack the lockers time and again.)

As soon as I finished copying the lecture in the touch-and-go situation, my fellow practitioners started proofreading every word and punctuation of It earnestly. During the time, I stayed in the cell trying my best to draw the guards’ and the patrolling-inmates’ attention.

As soon as the proofreading was done, we folded up the thick stack of copied lecture to the minimum size, wrap It up with a plastic bag, and then put It in the small plastic bag containing preserved vegetable.

We intended to throw the bag of preserved vegetables over into the Fourth Brigade.

The Fourth Brigade was separated from the First Brigade by a high wall. From the back windows of the second floor cells of the First Brigade, the Fourth Brigade yard and cells could be seen.

In the First Brigade, a Dafa practitioner was in a second floor cell, where the back window was relatively close to the wall. From there, we could put forth our strength and throw the bag over into the Fourth Brigade yard.

But there were guards making rounds in every corner of the forced labor camp twenty-four hours a day.

First, all the Dafa practitioners in the First Brigade had to work together, distracting the guards’ and patrolling-inmates’ attention, so that the fellow practitioner in that cell could use this brief second to throw the bag over.

Second, someone in the Fourth Brigade had to come to our aid. We had observed the Fourth Brigade’s daily schedule clearly, including the time when the Dafa practitioners in the brigade walked on the yard toward the bathroom.

The Fourth Brigade had dismissed watching-inmates as well; and many inmates in the brigade were sympathetic to Dafa practitioners.

A few of the Dafa practitioners in the two brigades, who had very good eyesight, had seen each other early on and gestured to each other once in a while.

Before we went into action, we could gesture to the fellow practitioners in the Fourth Brigade, asking them to get ready to come to our aid.

It was a very risky plan.

The World Falun Dafa Day was coming soon then, the guards thus were watching Dafa practitioners closely. I suggested to Ju that we postpone the plan till after the Falun Dafa Day.

Ju said, “No, let’s do it right away. Our fellow practitioners in the Fourth Brigade need to read Master Li’s latest lecture as soon as possible. In addition to it, (She smiled a childlike, innocent smile) the most dangerous time is usually the safest.”

She was right. We accomplished the plan under the guards’ closest surveillance.

After obtaining Master Li’s lecture, the fellow practitioners in the Fourth Brigade also managed to deliver a copy of It to the fellow practitioners in the Second Brigade. And the fellow practitioners in the Third Brigade also managed to obtain a copy of It. Thus, all the Dafa practitioners in Chatou were able to read Master Li’s latest lecture.

While we were behind bars, whenever Master Li had a new lecture or scripture published, our fellow practitioners on the outside always could have us obtain It, and we learned It by heart as quickly as possible upon obtaining It.

Once, a scripture of Master Li’s was delivered in. A twenty-five-year-old Dafa practitioner, Xie, who slept on the top bunk, managed to learn the scripture with several thousand characters by heart perfectly in one night (The lights in the cells were on all night), though there were guards and patrolling-inmates watching inside and outside the cell throughout the night.

And then she made use of every opportunity to read the scripture to the fellow practitioners who had not had the chance to read It.

Thereby, we got to know how things were on the outside while we were behind walls.

Each and every of Master Li’s lectures and scriptures was crucial to us, which guided us as to how to, amid the bloody, brutal persecution, and while dark clouds were enshrouding the sky, cultivate ourselves according to Truth-Compassion-Tolerance, and meanwhile clarify the truth to people and resist the evil persecution with a Dafa practitioner’s compassion and righteous thoughts.
