这幅画是画“满”了,但吾人并不觉得“塞”。原因是我们在画面上处处留有空隙,不壅塞,使看画的人不致于透不过气来。就像一首歌的“ 间奏”一样,让唱的人停喘一会儿,让听的人休憩一下。
Intermezzo/ink and color painting
Ink and wash painting strives for aesthetic beauty of “light and free”. And emphasizes leaving some empty space.
This painting is full, but I don’t think it is crowded. The reason is that I left some gaps in the upper part, so it is not too congested, and doesn’t make viewers feel like they cannot breathe. Like the intermezzo in a song, it lets the singers catch their breath, while letting the listeners rest a bit.
There are many large and small rocks scattered on the riverbank, and a suspension bridge crosses the river. There seems to be a rhythm in the arrangement of the rocks, like music, and the gaps are like intermezzos in music. @