【大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网9月25日讯】2008年9月24日神韵中秋晚会开演在即,安省基础设施部长乔治‧斯密斯曼﹙George Smitherman﹚为晚会发来的贺信。贺信中写道:
乔治‧斯密斯曼( George Smitherman),省议员,安省副省长,部长。
It is with great pride that I extend this certificate of recognition to the Falun Dafa Association of Toronto, 2008 Mid-Autumn Spectacular
I wish to extend to you the most heartfelt thanks and congratulations for your hard work and dedication. Events such as this help remind us of how wonderful a place we live. Where people from all over the world can come together and share their unique culture and heritage. This event not only benefits the Chinese community of Toronto but is alos of benefit to the greater community.
George Smitherman, MPP, Toronto Centre, Deputy Premier of Onatria, Minister.
September 24, 2008