

人气 1






我坐在法院二楼楼梯边的椅子上休息时,正巧看到知名律师杨绍刚先生与他的助手上楼,我们彼此招呼,愉快地交谈一会儿。杨律师曾是我这个冤案的辩护律师,他认为本案是无罪的,迟早要平反,7年后再提起这个冤案的罚金执行,真有点荒唐,不合时宜。这时,两位年轻的法官走来呼唤我,我与他们一起到了二楼到底的财务室。一位年轻的法官向出纳小姐交付了一份缴款通知,我支付了100元,取到了一张收据。我问法官,“我以后缴款怎么缴?”那位不知情的年轻法官又说漏嘴了,“给一个账号就是了。”那位黄法官马上回答,“不。你还是找我。来之前你与我联系一下,我陪你去缴纳。” 黄法官留下了他的联系电话:5670000×62237。



7年前我与天伦公司编辑两本书《上海日资企业要览(2001年版)》中文版( ISBN 7-900609-33-4 同济大学出版社出版)、《中国日系企业要览(2001年版)》日文版( ISBN 4-931548-98-9 日中展望出版社出版),拥有该书的著作权,依法销售226本,销售额7.8万元,均已纳税。这样一个普通而简单的合法行为却被上海当局诬告为“非法经营罪”,并以此为借口掠夺天伦公司的大部分财物,判我三年徒刑,还要巨额罚金40万,其中我的罚金10万。这与强盗的行为又有什么两样?强盗也是仗势抢夺,没有道理。但是,上海当局与普通的强盗还是不同的,它是以政府的身份、以法律的名义来抢夺民财、伤害生命。上海当局成为强盗,百姓就无可奈何,谁敢来追究政府的强盗行为?冤案当然难以平反。




三菱东京UFJ银行 八幡支店 
272-1590194 冯正虎

Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
272-1590194 Feng Zheng Hu

中国银行 4038505-0188-038792-6 冯正虎

联系电话:021-55225958 13524687100

Donation for free Feng Zhenghu

Feng Zhenghu

On July 26th, 2008, at 9.16 pm, it rang at home, I picked up the phone and heard a man speaking: ‘ I’m from shanghai supreme court No. 2. Please come over to our court at 2.00 pm for a discussion due to the enforcement of punishment’. I reverted:’ why should I go to court? What else you want to discuss with me? You just rejected my application for revision of my case during my time in the jail. What could be new to discuss now? Who are you and are you represent court No. 2?’ The man said:’ I’m Zhang Zhulian’. Then I asked:’ Are you judge Zhang? Since 3 months you concealed and today you show up finally. What do you want?’ He tried hard to convince me to go there:’ you shall come to court at 2.00 pm today. We can exchange ourselves’. Actually I don’t expect any action with court No. 2 because they won’t revise the wrong judgement, but at the end I agreed to go to judge Zhang.

At 2.00 pm I arrived punctually at the lobby of court No. 2. The executive Judge Zhang has been informed by phone. He sent another judge Huang to pick me up. Through the security pass I saw judge Zhang waited. We went upstairs into the court-room C208. I sat. Judge Zhang discloses immediately the notice of court:’ our court understands that you can’t pay the punishment without knowing the account no. of court. In addition, we found out the difficult financing situation in your family, so the punishment will be fixed at RMB 100,- per month. You must do this payment every month here in the court. We’ll arrange our staff to accompany you to our financial dept. and to receive personally the money. Our court won’t show you our account No. for this purpose’. He still added:’ Payment of 100,- RMB, is this your suggestion, isn’t it?’ It seems that the court showed his kindness towards poor person like me and accepted my application for the payment of 100,-RMB per month. Judge Zhang was waiting for my opinion.

I then said:’ you requested me today morning to come for a discussion and exchange. It is an inofficial talk. But yet you inform the official decision now, thus, it is an official one. Normally, you have to send me a written information for this case in advance, but not just let me come to you and make me known to this official decision. This is one point of mine

As to the punishment of 100,- RMB per month, I accept. Since your enforcement arrived I try hard to make you clear that this is a case against the law and thus, a total wrong case. I won’t accept the wrong judgement you enforced and I am also against the wrong financial punishment as a result of this wrong judgement. But since this case hasn’t been corrected till now. So in respect of the law I would be ready to pay and follow up this punishment till my rehabilitation. Since 3 months I tried to talk to you, in order to settle the way of payment but in vain. You concealed every time. Now you finally show up and agree to my suggestion for how to pay this unjust punishment. So, I agree. Nevertheless, my point of view is that the court should give me his account no. so that I can easily make a banking transfer. It called serving the people by court. On the other hand you have to inform me officially and in written document of the court.’

Judge Zhang answered:’ we noted your points mentioned. Today’s announcement isn’t in written.’ I understood what Judge Zhang was telling me: you weren’t agree but you have to do what we told you, as this was the decision of the court. He let me sign the protocol. I checked this protocol. Although it was incompletely recorded, but in general it was ok. I asked to put one sentence into the protocol that I strongly request to get the account no of court. After I signed this protocol I said to judge Zhang:’ I want to pay the first 100,- RMB now’. He hesitated and told me:’ we need to report and you shall go out to wait.’

I sat at the seat beside the stairs on 2nd floor of court and took a rest. I happened to see the famous lawyer Yang Zhaogang in Shanghai, who just went stairs with his assistants. We said hello each other and had a small talk. Lawyer Yang was lawyer for my unjust case. He is always pleading for innocence and is believing this unjust case will be soon or later rehabilitated. He astonished that after 7 long years they suddenly request to enforce the punishment resulted of this unjust case, it is unbelievable and unrealistic at all, he said. At this moment, two younger judges called me to come. Together with these two judges we went to the financial dept. on 2nd. Floor. One of the judges showed a female staff a piece of paper called payment information. I paid 100,-RMB in cash and got a receipt. I asked the young judge:’ how should I pay in the next time?’ As a non-inside judge he just said:’ give him a account no. that’s all.’ The other judge Huang added immediately:’ no, next time you should contact me before you pay. I’ll accompany you’. Judge Huang left his phone no. 5670000 – Extension 62237.

In the future, I would pay 100,- RMB every month for this unjust punishment and would every time be welcomed with this payment ceremony: Contacting the judge in advance for a appointment for going to the court, phone the judge from executive dept. for coming downstairs, walking to financial dept. of court in accompaniment of judge from executive dept. of court, he would show the staff in financial dept. the payment notice and I pay 100,-RMB in cash for the receipt the staff would issue. This formality must be carried out like this and it fits to its special meaning: it is not a normal payment, it is a unjust punishment. This is an ashamed action of the Shanghai ruling powers and newly wealthy to show the whole world its power and criminal act. They disregard the law and the public opinion. They refuse to rehabilitate world-famous unjust cases and attack further the human rights.

This way of payment shows also the world that I can buy my personal freedom with money. 100,-RMB per month, annually 1200,- RMB. In run of 83 years I’ll finish the down payment of 100.000,- RMB punishment. In China, I even don’t have the basic social insurance or insurance of medical treatment, My destiny is not in my hand and I am a poor scholar who is permanent relying on the help and donation of relatives and friends. For me, 100,- RMB is the maximum sum which I can afford. I’m going to get the permit to travel abroad after 83 years. Till then, I would be 136 years old and Shanghai regime will set up a new Guinness record of hurting human rights.

7 years ago I edited with Tianlun Corp. two publicities with copy rights. One is ‘Overlook of Japanese enterprises in Shanghai (2001)’ in Chinese version (ISBN 7-900609-33-4 Tongji University Publishing House) and the other is ‘Overlook of Japanese Enterprises in China (2001) in Japanese version (ISBN 4-931548-98-9 Rizhong Zhanwang Publishing House). We sold legally 226 pieces and achieved an income of 78.000 RMB after tax. Such a normal and simple legal behaviour of our company would be accused by Shanghai regime as an‘illegal business’ and sentenced me to 3-years-jail and the huge money punishment of total 40.000,- RMB, among them 10.000,- RMB penalty on my person. Further more, they robbed the most assets of Tianlun Corp. There’s almost no difference between the robbery and mentioned acts taken by Shanghai regime. As Robber just use violent and rob and is unjust. Yet, we can see the only difference between robber and Shanghai regime. It is, they rob and hurt the lives in name of government and law. The ordinary people can do nothing, as soon as the Regime acts like robber. Who dares to hunt the robbery behaviour of the government? As result, the unjust cases will not be rehabilitated.

I have never had any criminal records and live my life as a correct citizen. I have used the basic right to publish and to write. But I was put in jail for 3 years in Shanghai Tilanqiao-Prison. Today, after 7 years, Shanghai regime again is accomplishing the hostage-taking and extortion. Without paying 10.000,- RMB there’s no right to travel abroad. Similar like the robber, no money no life. But again, there’s yet difference between the robber and Shanghai regime, they extort in name of government and law, nobody can say no. In respect of law I agreed to do the down payment. The good news is, ‘robbers’ nowadays only want to have money but not the lives. If you pay, you’ll be free. These robbers will never hear the voice of public condemnation and also they won’t follow wise advices. They only scare stronger power they would face, and they only adore money. I don’t have support from power but 100,- RMB per month. If today, I would be able pay total 10.000,-RMB, I would be free tomorrow for entering and leaving China as a free man.

On April 1st this year, I have written 859 letters to the delegates of People’s Congress in Shanghai, telling them about my case. I begged for donating or for borrowing me 100,- RMB, in order to help a poor victim, who experiences the injustice and even though tries to respect the law, and to afford the penalty of his unjust case. Till now I simply received 100,- RMB. Maybe they believe that power is stronger than money, with the power in their hands they can solve all the problems. Or maybe they scare to transfer their money to me. Supporting me will be retaliated. Now, I herewith ask for kind donation from all sympathizers or group abroard, who support those in struggle of Chinese human rights within China. I beg your generosity for donating money, independent how many. Even very small sum can be accumulated in big one. But with this small sum you can achieve the freedom for person who struggles and defends the human rights in China. With your monetary support the person who struggle for human rights in China can ensure their basic existences like eating. With your support the campaign of defending human rights in China can get necessary sources. Generally this campaign has been accepted by Chinese law. If we can include your monetary support we can push a lot, in order to build up a free, just, harmonious and human rights respecting new China.

All donations I would receive will be further paid to the Shanghai Supreme Court No. 2 for the penalty resulted from unjust court case. All donators should not loose the conviction that one day the justice will triumph versus criminal act. My unjust case will not last too long to its rehabilitation, and thus, the penalty the court now claims will be paid back, because it is unjust! At that time, I’ll return this sum to the Chinese fond of defending human rights as well to support the cause of Chinese defending human rights.

My banking accounts are as follows:
1. Account in Japan
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
272-1590194 Feng Zheng Hu
2. Account in China
Bank of China (BOC)
Feng Zhenghu

Written at Renheyuan in Shanghai, July 22nd, 2008

Contact act address of Mr. Feng Zhenghu
3-302, 240 Lane, Zheng Tong Road, Shanghai, China
Postcode 200433
Phone 0086-21-55225958
Mobile: 0086-13524687100

Attachment: Receipt of the first down payment of the penalty resulting from unjust


上海童国菁:在四川做义工 帮助灾民
冯正虎: 坐牢的荣幸
访民因奥运行动受阻 投诉国际奥委会