


Running of the Bulls



1. cease:v. 停止

2. flock:v. 群集

3. adrenaline:n. 肾上腺素

4. cobbled streets:n.铺鹅卵石的街道

5. participant:n.参与者

6. fatal consequence:n. 致命的结果

7. bull horn:n. 公牛角

8. appear a tiny bit nervous:adj. 似乎有点紧张


An annual event held in Pamplona, Spain, never ceases to turn heads. The running of bulls takes place as part of the city’s San Fermin Festival. Tourists from around the world flock to the festival every year, to watch the excitement or run from the bulls. Let’s take a look.



An adrenaline-fuelled run down narrow cobbled streets in front of six running bulls. It’s certainly not everyone’s idea of fun but here in Pamplona there’s never any shortage of willing participants for the annual Running of the Bulls – even if some appear a tiny bit nervous.


[Ben, American Tourist]:

“I don’t know, very excited right now. I am not sure what’s going to happen. I am going to try not to die.”


Well, nobody died on this year’s first run, but eight people were injured, most being hit by the bulls as they made their way around a corner.


Pamplona’s annual running of the bulls takes place as part of the city’s nine day San Fermin festival.


While local runners prepare all year for the event many foreign tourists arrive unprepared. That had fatal consequences for a young American in 1995 who was killed by one of the bulls horns.


While no tourists have died in the run so far this year, police are investigating the identity of a young man whose body was found near the city walls on Sunday. Authorities believe the man, who was carrying a bank card issued in Ireland, may have been a tourist.



