我们都知道预防胜于治疗(Prevention is better than cure),各种天灾如果能事先做好防范与准备工作,能减少很多生命与财产的损失。在以下新闻中,地震学家陈一文先生透露他曾经三次预测过四川大地震。和他一起在“中国地球物理学会天灾预测专业委员会”工作的多位地震专家曾经准确预测过1976年发生的唐山大地震(Tangshan Earthquake)。
Scientist Predicted Chinese Earthquake
1. predict:v. 预测
2. warning: n. 警告
3. ignore: v. 忽视
4. advisor:n. 顾问
5. natural hazard:n. 天灾
6. Seismological Bureau:n. 地震局
7. expert:n. 专家
8. acquaint oneself with:phr. 熟悉
Now we have more news from scientists who said they had predicted the earthquake would take place in Sichuan, but that their warnings were ignored.
Chen Yiwen, an advisor of the Committee of Natural Hazard Prediction in China, conducted an interview Chinese state television, CCTV, on May 14, saying he has given the official China Seismological Bureau predictions on three separate occasions since 2006. Especially on May 3, 2008, he personally sent the prediction report to the China Seismological Bureau.
5 月14日,中国地球物理学会天灾预测专业委员会顾问陈一文先生,在中共中央电视台CCTV的访谈中说,从2006年以来,他曾经向中国地震局提出过三次地震预测。特别是 2008年5月3日,陈一文又亲手向中国地震局发了一份汶川地区可能发生强震的预报。
The interview was aired live but was not allowed to be re-broadcast.
According to Chen, other scientists also provided predictions of strong quakes in the Wenchuan area to the China Seismological Bureau. But Chen told The Epoch Times that party officials never interviewed experts from the committee of natural hazard prediction or acquainted themselves with the scientists’ work.
Chen’s original prediction and views are on the web at: //cheniwan.sea3000.net
Prevention is better than cure.