
流行美语 第273课

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LL: Ugh. I feel terrible today, Li Hua. I have such a bad hangover from the drinking I did last night.

LH: Larry, 什么是hangover?你昨天不是跟同事聚会吗?

LL: A hangover is the way you feel after you have had too much alcohol to drink at a party. Right now I have a head ache, my stomach hurts, and I’m very tired.

LH: 哦,hangover就是中文里说的“宿醉”。头痛、恶心、还有四肢乏力都是宿醉的症状,是前一天晚上喝酒的后遗症。

LL: Except that a hangover isn’t as fun as the drinking I did the night before. Oooh. My head really hurts.

LH: Larry,你经常会有hangover吗?

LL: No, I don’t, Li Hua. I really don’t drink alcohol that much.

LH: 那昨天是什么重要的日子吗?

LL: My office was holding a party to celebrate the completion of a project. I lost track of how much I was drinking, and now I’m hung over.

LH: Larry,有没有什么办法能让你舒服一些吗?

LL: Well, to help myself feel better, the first things I did when I got up this morning were to take some aspirin and eat a simple breakfast.

LH: 啊,你这么不舒服,居然还能吃得下东西?

LL: Well, it is true that since I am hung over, I don’t have much of an appetite – but I did eat a plain piece of toast.

LH: 我觉得你今天应该好好在家里休息。

LL: Yeah, I plan to get lots of rest today. Fortunately, it is the weekend, and I have two days to recover from my hangover.

LH: 我听朋友说,一边喝酒,一边吃东西喝水,就能避免宿醉。

LL: Really, Li Hua? I’ll have to try that the next time I’m drinking a lot at a party. I’d do anything to avoid getting another hangover.

LH: 其实啊,要想避免宿醉,最好的办法就是不喝酒。

LL: Of course, Li Hua, but how much fun would that be?


LL: So, Li Hua, I’ve never seen you drink very much, but I remember at my New Year’s Eve party last year you got a little tipsy.

LH: Tipsy? 你是说我上次有点儿醉醺醺的吗?

LL: Yes, tipsy is the feeling you have when you have had a little to drink, but you haven’t yet had too much to drink. You feel relaxed, laugh a lot, and may do things that are a little silly.

LH: 我记得,去年元旦聚会,我确实有点儿喝多了,但没醉。那种感觉轻飘飘的。我每次喝到tipsy就会脸红,然后就开始讲笑话。

LL: Actually, when you started telling jokes that is when I knew you were tipsy, Li Hua. You don’t tell jokes that often.

LH: 没错,我平时挺严肃,不太讲笑话,大概只有喝过酒以后,特别放松的时候,才会讲笑话。

LL: You know, when I get tipsy, Li Hua, I get a little clumsy. I might spill my drink, bump into some one near me, or drop my napkin.

LH: 这么说元旦聚会时你也有点儿喝多了?我还记得你把酒了一地。当时大家都有说有笑,所以没有人注意到。

LL: That’s right. I guess we were both tipsy that night, Li Hua.

LH: 虽说有点晕,但我还是很清醒。我一直告诉自己,千万不能喝多了。

LL: And that is a good thing, Li Hua. Being tipsy at a party is fine, but drinking too much can lead to problems.

LH: 是啊,有的人喝多了就会找碴生事,扫大家的兴。

LL: And some people get really sad when they drink too much. I think it is probably best to stop drinking when you feel tipsy and are just having a good time.

LH: 不过,即使光是有些tipsy, 没有醉,也不能自己开车回家,美国有关醉酒驾驶的法律是非常严格的。

LL: That’s right, Li Hua. If I notice my guests are a little tipsy, I ask them to wait until they are completely sober before they leave – or I find some one who hasn’t been drinking to drive them home.

LH: 你真够意思。不过别忘了,喝多了酒还有另外一个非常严重的问题!

LL: What’s that?

LH: 你忘了?宿醉啊!

今天李华学到了两个常用语。一个是hangover, 指宿醉。另一个是tipsy, 指有些醉意。(//www.dajiyuan.com)

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