

David Lee
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以下是一则台湾股市在大选后第一个交易日的反应。看股市新闻其实并不难,不是涨就是跌。重点是“上涨”的用字不只up,还有rise, surge, soar, mount, hike, clime, escalate, bull, rally, gain, appreciate。本篇中就出现了soar, bull, rally, gain这个四字。

Taiwan Stocks Make Massive 1-Day Gain


1. to rally:
to return to a better condition. 谷底攀昇、重振旗鼓

2. to score a resounding win:
to get a very great victory. 得到大胜

3. to soar:
to rise very quickly to a high level. 快速上扬

4. to consolidate:
to cause something to become stronger and more certain. 稳固

Taiwan markets rallied today, the first trading day after the opposition scored a resounding win in the presidential election.

Investors are hoping for better trade ties and less political tension with China.

Taiwan’s main TAIEX soared more than six percent at the open — its biggest one-day percentage gain in more than seven years.

The Taiwan dollar also jumped to a 10-year high of NT$30.258 against the U.S. dollar, and is now up nearly 7 percent so far this year.

The TAIEX consolidated its gains and finished up 3.84 percent in morning trade.

Investors say they are optimistic about the new government, which promises closer economy ties with mainland China.

5. various aspects:各方面

6. boost:
to improve or increase something. 促进、提振

7. euphoria:
extreme happiness, sometimes more than is reasonable in a particular situation. 兴奋

8. fundamentals
the main or most important rules or parts. 基本面

9. to secure:
to get something, sometimes with difficulty. 取得

10. bull run
a time when the prices of most shares are rising. 牛势、涨势

[Chen Chih-Yuan, Investor]:
“Basically, various aspects of Taiwan’s economy are now doing well. With a new direction from our next leadership, the opening up to Taiwan to the world will definitely boost the stock market.”

But some analysts warn the current euphoria should be relatively short-lived as Taiwan’s stock market has to work on its fundamentals to secure a long-term bull run.

11. in the short term:短期
12. to adopt a gentler approach:采取一条较温和的路径
13. cross-strait ties:两岸关系

14. turmoil
a state of confusion, uncertainty or lack of order. 混乱

15. Optimism
the belief that good things will happen in the future. 乐观

16. Dow Jones industrial average:道琼工业指数

[Kevin Lin, V.P., Marbo Mutual Fund]:
“We feel that in the short term the stock market will be affected and grow in strength. The main reason is that we have now a new leadership that is adopting a gentler approach towards cross-strait ties. So, this will definitely help to improve our ties with mainland China.

In the long term, I feel the stock market will have to go back to its basics.
Taiwan is closely linked to the markets in the United States and Europe and the technology industry constitutes 60 percent of Taiwan’s market. All these will affect the stock market’s development in the future.”

Despite turmoil in global markets, the TAIEX had risen slightly so far this year before the Monday rally on optimism over the election, even as the Dow Jones industrial average in the United States has fallen 6.8 percent.


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