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Ma Ying-Jeou Wins Taiwan Elections

WONG: And Taiwanese woke up to a new President elect this weekend. The former mayor of Taipei Ma Ying-Jeou beat Frank Hsieh 58-42, percent. The analysis from NTD.

STORY: President elect Ma faces a number of immediate challenges, even before he takes office in May.

to make good on pledges:兑现誓言
to chart a course:擘画出一条路径
to favor closer relations:支持更密切的关系
eventual reunification:终极统一
to take a couple of strong stands:采取一些强硬立场

He will have to make good on pledges to strengthen Taiwan’s economy. And he will have to chart a course sfor dealing with mainland China over the next four years.

Ma’s Kuomintang, or KMT, party as a whole favors closer relations swith mainland China, as well as increased trade, and eventual reunification s. But Matook a couple of strong stands against the mainland this weekend.

to dismantle missiles: 拆除飞弹
to negotiate: 蹉商、谈判
to boycott: 抵制
to worsen: 恶化

At a news conference following his election Ma said that China would have to dismantle its missiles s before a peace treaty can be negotiated s. China currently has around 1,000 missiles aimed at Taiwan.

At a separate press conference on Sunday, Ma also said that he would consider boycotting the Beijing Olympics if the Chinese military continues to oppress Tibetans.

[Ma Ying-jeou, Taiwanese President-Elect]:”I said a couple of days ago if the Chinese authorities continue to suppress the Tibetan people and the situation in Tibet continues to worsen , I would not exclude the possibility of not sending athletic teams to the 2008 Olympic games. We will certainly consider that possibility.”

to surpass: 超过
credit squeeze: 信用紧缩
to acknowledge defeat: 承认挫败
national sovereignty: 国家主权

But the Taiwan’s economic problems may not be any easier to solve than it’s political problems.

Despite the growth of many Taiwanese firms, including Acer, which surpassed China’s Lenovo Group as the wold’s third largest PC vendor last year, a global credit squeeze and U.S. financial troubles have hit Asian economies hard.

As a solution, Ma promised in debates to increase trade with the mainland, and introduce direct flights between mainland China and Taiwan.

But for both parties, the 2008 elections represent a successful transfer of power from the Democratic Progressive Party or DPP to the KMT. Opponent Frank Hsieh acknowledged defeat on Saturday and congratulated Ma on his win.

Hsieh’s defeat marks the end of 8 years of DPP rule under current President Chen Shui-bian. During his two-term presidency, Chen led an international campaign to strengthen Taiwan’s national sovereignty and gain entry into the United Nations.


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