


【大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网3月16日讯】 2008年3月14日,中共当局在西藏拉萨街头悍然开枪,用强权手段血腥镇压进行和平抗争、手无寸铁的民众,得到中共官方确认的就有10人被打死。这是继 1989年3月后的在西藏发生的又一起侵犯人权的严重事件!中共当局这一行径公然肆意践踏中国人基本人权。我们悉尼支持中国民主化工作平台对此表示严厉的谴责和严重的关切!我们敦促中共当局立即停止这种野蛮行经,严惩下令开枪的凶手,公布内幕并对死亡人士家属进行赔偿!



The Sydney Workshop for a Democratic China sternly condemns China’s killing of peaceful demonstrators in Tibet

The Chinese Communist Regime savagely opened fire on the streets of Lhasa, Tibet on March 14, 2008, using force to bloodily crack down the bare-handed civilians who participated a peaceful demonstration, and at least 10 were shot to death as confirmed by the Chinese Authorities. This is another event of severe human rights violation in Tibet since March, 1989. Such an act taken by the Chinese Authorities is a wanton trample on the fundamental human rights of the Chinese people.

We the Sydney Workshop for a Democratic China hereby express our stern condemnation and grave concern over the incident. We urge the Chinese Communist Regime should immediately stop such a barbaric act and punish the commanding officer who instructed to open fire, publish the truth and compensate the victims’ families.

The Sydney Workshop for a Democratic China

March 15, 2008
