

《中英对照读新闻》”Made in China” labeled by product scandals

产品安全丑闻不断 “中国制造”声誉受损


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Milk, toothpaste, cough syrup, pet food, eels, blood thinner, car parts, pork, eggs, honey, chicken, dumplings, cooking oil and rice — if you can fake it or taint it, you can almost guarantee it’s happened in China.


A string of product safety scandals, including contaminated infant formula that is believed to have killed six babies and sickened thousands of others, have rocked the faith of shoppers, making them wary of buying products made in China despite the often cheaper price tag.


The melamine scandal was the latest in a string of recent high-profile safety problems that included lead paint on toy cars and contaminated Chinese-made blood thinner heparin which was blamed for fatalities in the United States and Germany and prompted a global recall early this year.


After each scandal, Beijing seemed to have the same response: launching a crackdown, destroying tainted goods on television, jailing a few officials and saying they “pay great attention” to the problem.



sicken:使生病。例句: Many residents were sickened by the contaminated water.(污染的水使很多居民生病了。 )

wary:形容词, 小心的;机警的。He was wary of telling state secrets. (他小心翼翼以免泄漏国家机密。 )

high-profile:形容词, 高姿态的、立场明确的、引人注目的。 high profile 为名词,指高姿态、立场明确。例句︰The President adopted a fairly high profile on relief problems.(总统对于救济问题的立场相当明确。 )
