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【大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网11月17日讯】2008年11月13日晚,曾亲历中共迫害的法轮功学员黄奎应邀在美国俄亥俄州海勒姆学院(Hiram College)做了题为“中共对法轮功的迫害及中国人权现状”的演讲。黄奎曾经是北京清华大学的博士研究生,只因为参与大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网网站的建设而被非法判刑并关押五年。

[In the evening of November 13th, 2008, Kui Huang, a Falun Gong practitioner who personally experienced the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution, was invited to Hiram College, a university in Ohio, to talk about the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong and today’s human rights situation in China. Kui Huang was a PhD student in Beijing’s Tsinghua University, and was illegally detained for five years because he participated in the construction of the Epoch Times website.]

黄奎是应海勒姆学院的名为“反对社会不公”(Students Against Social Injustcie)的学生社团邀请前来发表演讲的。演讲在素雅的Teachout Price Hall内举行,不少海勒姆学院的师生前来参加。其中有一位心理学系的教授Dr.Phillips(她是Laboratory of Neurobehavioral Investigations的主任)以及教授历史的老师Mr.Dewell,也有从大陆来的留学生。

[Kui Huang was invited by Hiram College’s organization Studnets Against Social Injustice (SASI). Many Hiram students and faculty came to the speech, which took place in the elegant Teachout Price Hall. Among them were the Chair of the Psychology department Dr. Phillips (she is also the director of the school’s Laboratory of Neurobehavioral Investigations) and Professor Dewell, who teaches History. There was also a student from mainland China.]

黄奎在演讲开始的时候说:“法轮功在中国大陆是最敏感的话题,如果我在中国大陆做这样的演讲,也许10分钟不到警察就要来抓我了,并判以重刑。”听众不住点头。在演讲中,黄奎首先向大家介绍了什么是法轮功,并辅助播放功法展示录像。舒展优美的功法深深打动了在场每一位观众的心。黄奎补充说道:“法轮功起源于中国,有很多中国传统文化的东西,但她能够在短时间内吸引不同种族、不同国家的人都来修炼,现在已经洪传80多个国家和地区,此种现象非常值的大家深思。”然后黄奎重点讲述了中共对法轮功的残酷迫害,一个个真实而感人的案例触动了听众的心。王治文的女儿王晓丹的一段视频“释放我爸爸(Free My Dad)”如泣如诉的演绎出这场迫害灭绝人性的本质。时至今日,黄奎的清华校友仍有十名以上的法轮功学员被非法关押在中共的集中营中。之后黄奎讲述了自己亲身经历的五年牢狱迫害,其中最吸引人的是关于奴工产品方面的问题。黄奎在珠海看守所和监狱里被强迫加工过诸多奴工产品,包括装饰用胶花、节日用彩灯串、藤椅、藤篮子、高档毛衣,甚至一种食品——开心果。黄奎谈到在美国的廉价商品店里随处可见与他们在监狱里生产的奴工产品一模一样的商品出售,而这些商品都挂着“Made in China”的标牌。

[Kui Huang started the speech by saying, “Falun Gong is the most sensitive issued in China; if I make such a speech in mainland China, perhaps I would be arrested by the police within ten minutes, and will be sentenced to many years in prison.” The audience nodded with agreement. In the beginning of his speech, Kui Huang introduced Falun Gong to the audience, and showed a video displaying the Falun Gong exercises. The relaxing and graceful exercises moved the audience’s hearts deeply. To supplement the video, Kui Huang told the audience, “Falun Gong was founded in China and includes many values in traditional Chinese culture, but within a short period of time it can attract people from different races and countries to practice it. It is currently practiced in over 80 countries and regions, and people should ponder on this phenomenon.” He then described the CCP’s brutal persecution of Falun Gong. In addition to the many real cases of persecution that touched the audience, he showed Danielle Wang’s video Free My Dad, which was about her father Zhiwen Wang’s detention, showed the persecution’s nature of destroying humanity vividly. Also Tsinghua alumni, more than ten illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners whom Kui Huang knows personally are still captive in the CCP’s concentration camps presently. Subsequently, Kui Huang talked about his own experience of five years of persecution in prison. The slave labor issue that he mentioned drew the people’s attention the most. In the detention center and prison in Zhuhai, Kui Huang was forced to process many goods, including decorative plastic flowers, Christmas lights, rattan chairs, high quality sweaters, and even a food item—pistachio nuts. Kui Huang said that the stores for cheap products in the United States are full of products that are identical to those that he processed in prison, and they all bear a “Made in China” tag.]


[Finally, Kui Huang described how from appealing in China’s State Council Appeal Office and the Tiananmen Square to prosecuting the CCP officials heading the persecution, founding media to clarify the truth and holding the Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibition and the Divine Performing Arts, Falun Gong practitioners’ peacefully resisted the persecution in the past nine years. Falun Gong practitioners have gone on the most righteous path to resist the persecution; it is completely peaceful and rational, and they have created a miracle in mankind’s history.]

黄奎引用马丁路德金的名言作结:任何一处所存在之不公义都会威胁所有地方存在之公义(Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere)。黄奎呼吁更多善良的民众能够站出来为结束这场旷日持久的迫害而尽力。

[Kui Huang concluded his speech by quoting Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” He urged kindhearted people to stand up and make an effort to end this persecution that has been happening for a long time.]


[After the speech, a student asked why the CCP is so afraid of Falun Gong. Kui Huang replied that in actuality, the suppression of Falun Gong is solely because of the CCP’s former leader Jiang Zemin’s jealousy. He was jealous of so many Falun Gong practitioners believing in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance instead of the CCP, so he decided to suppress Falun Gong, and this suppression is totally wrong.]


[After the meeting ended, almost all students and teachers who attended the speech took Falun Gong flyers, English DVDs of the Nine Commentaries of the Chinese Communist Party, or English Epoch Times newspapers about the organ harvesting of live Falun Gong practitioners. Professor Dewell shook Kui Huang’s hands to express his gratitude. For many US students, this is the first time that they have heard such a detailed presentation on Falun Gong and the persecution. Shocked to hear about the atrocity, they signed a petition calling for the end of the persecution to show their support for Falun Gong. Some students even expressed their interest in learning Falun Gong.]






胡锦涛抵华盛顿 法轮功吁停止迫害、惩办元凶
法轮功大陆简讯 (11月15日)