
看新闻,学英语(119) 英国政府对银行金援

Daniel Chen
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British Government Bank Bailout

本则英语影音新闻及出处:新唐人电视台英语新闻 //english.ntdtv.com/?c=150&a=5341(可线上观看)

1.bailout: n. 紧急金援
2.stricken: adj. 受困的
3.rescue: n. 援救
4.bold: adj. 大胆的
5.far-reaching: adj. 深远的
6.Treasury: n. 财政部

STORY: Boxed into the same tight corner as every other free market democracy, Britain is bailing out its stricken banks. They’re getting a rescue package which could add up to hundreds of billions of dollars.

[Gordon Brown, British Prime Minister]: “Good strong banks are essential for every family, and for every business in the country. And extraordinary times call for the bold and far-reaching solutions that the Treasury has announced today.”

7.crippling: adj. 摇摇欲坠
8.verdict: n. 论定
9.lifeline: n. 命脉
10.contradictory: adj. 矛盾的; 不一致的
11.cautious: adj. 谨慎的
12.applause: n. 鼓掌; 喝采

The rescue follows days of crippling pressure on British banks. Some had lost nearly half their value on the stock market – the verdict from investors that some might fail if they didn’t get a massive cash lifeline.

But market reaction was contradictory – shares in most banks sliding, traders confused about the details. But most analysts approve.

[Howard Wheeldon BGC Partners]: “I give it more than a cautious welcome indeed and a round of applause. It might be three or even six months late but it will – for the UK – I think do the job.”
伦敦BGC合伙人公司霍华德威尔顿(Howard Wheeldon):“我的确审慎欢迎并给予喝采。虽然已经晚了三到六个月,但是对英国来讲,我认为这将发挥作用。”

13.High Street: n. 大街
14.sort out: v. : 整理; 清理
15.bust: adj. 破产
16.taxpayer: n. 纳税人
17.escalate: v. 加剧
18.all the way round: 从头到尾

Early reaction on the High Street was mixed. [London Resident]: “It should be sorted out by the banks or let the banks go bust..and the government sort it out, you know, not the taxpayers pay for it.”

[London Resident]:”If nothing’s done now it could escalate and get worse. It could escalate and get worse and it’s got to be stopped straight away otherwise everybody would be losing money all the way round.”

19.disgraceful: adj. 不名誉的
20.reap: v. 收获
21.life-sustaining: adj. 维持生活的
22.dividend: n. 红利; 股息
23.credit: n. 贷款
24.bewildered: adj. 困惑的

[London Resident]: “I think it’s absolutely disgraceful. It’s too little too late. Why should the taxpayer have to pay. We’ve suffered enough.”

The British government now has the tough task of selling the rescue -convincing taxpayers they’ll soon reap life-sustaining dividendscredit will flow once more between the banks and their bewildered customers.


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