

2008年01月03日 | 06:24 AM

【大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网1月3日讯】(大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网记者岳鹏编译报导)费城全球华人新年晚会的演出即将拉开帷幕,首场演出将于一月四日晚在美丽安剧院举行。神韵艺术团再次来临之际,大费城主流媒体纷纷发表文章、参与赞助。费城公告报(The Bulletin)在其冬季文化节目指南中报导说,具有强力冲击性的视觉艺术表演揭开中国新年的庆典(Visually Stunning Extravaganzas Celebrate The Chinese New Year)。




“全球华人新年晚会”将与一月四日晚八点、五日下午两点及晚八点、六日下午两点及晚七点举行。详情可电(856) 437-4826、网站www.bestchineseshows.com。

该报导的作者安德丽雅.哈默(Andrea K. Hammer)女士也是费城“热爱艺术- 艺术的庆典”(Artsphoria: Celebrating Arts Euphoria)组织的创始人和执行主任(www.artsphoria.com).



Winter Culture Guide 2007

Visually Stunning Extravaganzas Celebrate The Chinese New Year

By: Andrea K. Hammer, For The Bulletin


Photo Courtesy of NTDTV

Philadelphia – With Philadelphia the first stop during a tour of more than 50 international cities, “Chinese New Year Spectacular” will dazzle audiences during New Tang Dynasty TV’s (NTDTV) visually stunning extravaganzas at the Merriam Theater.

From Jan. 4 to 6, five performances of traditional dances, songs and symphony will kick off this worldwide celebration. Presented in Philadelphia in partnership with The Greater Philadelphia Asian Culture Center, NTDTV’s spectacular will reflect the richness of China’s 5,000 years of history and traditions. More than 100 ornately costumed dancers and singers will enact traditional Chinese myths and legends to ring in the Year of the Rat, which begins on Feb. 7. Magnificent choreography, high-tech sets and lavish orchestrations contribute to the beauty of this special production.


“Chinese New Year Spectacular” features performances by world-class artists including Guimin Guan, one of the outstanding tenors from China; Erhuist Xiaochun Qi, who has played the traditional Chinese string instrument for international audiences, and conductor Rutang Chen, a cellist for China’s Central Philharmonic Society Orchestra for more than three decades before moving to the United States. Chen’s wife Ningfang, a flutist, and son Gang, a bassoonist, join him on stage; daughter Ying works behind the scenes as stage manager.

New Tang Dynasty TV (NTDTV), based in New York City, is an independent, nonprofit Chinese- and English-language broadcaster in North America, Asia, Europe and Australia. The Greater Philadelphia Asian Culture Center (GPACC) is a nonprofit, educational organization showcasing the Asian culture’s beauty to enhance mutual understanding between East and West as well as to connect Asian American and mainstream communities.

“Chinese New Year Spectacular” will be performed on Jan. 4 at 8 p.m., Jan. 5 at 2 and 8 p.m., and Jan. 6 at 2 and 7 p.m. For more information, call (856) 437-4826, or visit www.bestchineseshows.com.

Andrea K. Hammer is the founder and director of Artsphoria: Celebrating Arts Euphoria (www.artsphoria.com).

The Evening Bulletin 2007


