








  2008年1月26日星期六,2:00PM 和 7:00PM 

  地点:芝加哥Arie Crown Theater at McCormick Place


  网址: www.BestChineseShows.com。



  WHEREAS, the Chinese New Year Spectacular Organizing Committee in Chicago will

  celebrate their 3rd annual Chinese New Year Celebration in January, 2008; and

  WHEREAS, the Chinese New Year is the most colorful and important of China’s fetes

  and the Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Japanese celebrate their ancient tradition

  through family reunion and performing arts; and

  WHEREAS, the Sound of Hope is a non-profit organization dedicated to facilitate

  cultural communications between the East and the West, and to assist the public in their search for valuable cultural knowledge; and

  WHEREAS, the Sound of Hope aims to enrich the lives of the public and to promote

racial harmony through media pluralism and cross cultural understanding; and

  WHEREAS, the Sound of Hope has organized the 2008 Chinese New Year Spectacular

  to perform three live shows here in Chicago on Friday, January 25, and Saturday, January 26, 2008 at Arie Crown Theatre at McCormick Place; and

  WHEREAS, the core values of Chinese culture: benevolence, righteousness, propriety,

wisdom, and faithfulness have been discarded in China’s Cultural Revolution; and

  WHEREAS, the Spectacular, entitled “Myths and Legends,” presents genuine Chinese

culture without Communist Party culture, showcases a renaissance and reclamation of the

long-lost treasures of China; and

  WHEREAS, the Spectacular provides a platform for cross-cultural understanding

between the East and the West, and a unifying event for all people interested in Chinese

culture; and

  WHEREAS, renowned international artists will be invited to perform in the same stage; now, therefore,

  BE IT RESOVLED, that we, the Major and the members of the City Council of the City

of Chicago gathered here this 9th Day of January in 2008, do hereby extend to the members of the Sound of Hope Organization and the Chinese New Year Spectacular organizing Committee in Chicago our sincerest congratulations and support for the 2008

Chinese New Year Global Spectacular festivities, as well as our best wishes for continued success in all of their endeavors; and

  BE IT FURHTER RESOVLED, that a suitable copy of this resolution be made available

to the Sound of Hope Organization and the Chinese New Year Spectacular Organizing

Committee in Chicago.
