






No Repression in Burma

The following human rights groups, political organizations and individuals would like to express our grave concern and anger over the suppression of the pro-democracy movement in Burma. We support the peaceful demonstrations organized by the Buddhist monks, which were joined by many Burmese people. We condemn the military junta’s use of force to crack down on the peaceful protesters and urge the junta to heed the voices of the Burmese people and respect their human rights, including the freedom of protest, freedom of assembly and freedom of expression.

We salute the courage, determination and persistence of Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and her fellow democrats in fighting for a democratic Burma. We urge the junta to end Aung San Suu Kyi’s house arrest and allow her party and other political parties to operate freely and to take part in free and fair election.

We call on the Hong Kong people and members of the international community to condemn the bloody crack down and to support the courageous Burmese people in their fight for democracy, human rights and the rule of law. At this critical moment, we offer our support in solidarity.

Asian Center for the Progress of People
Asian Human Rights Commission
Asia Migrant Center
Asia Monitor Resource Center
Asian Students’ Association
Democracy Depot
Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor
Justice and Peace Commission of Hong Kong Catholic Diocese
Queer Sisters
Student Christian Movement of Hong Kong
The Association for the Advancement of Feminism
The Frontier
World Student Christian Federation – Asia Pacific

Billy Hung
Chan Sze Chi
Chan Yan Yan
Druce Dan Doohis
Eleanor Cheung
Emma Tam
Kit Chan
K F Chor
Lam Kim Ling
Lina Chan
Linda Noche
Phyllis Wong
Rey Asis
Sunita Suna
Tsui Hong Kwong
Wan Hoi Wing
Wong Kai Shing
Legislative Councillor Emily Lau
Legislative Councillor Fernando Cheung
Legislative Councillor Albert Ho



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华信飞缅甸航班 暂不受镇压流血事件影响