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【大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网8月11日讯】(大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网记者南希华盛顿DC报导)在中国民众退党潮日益扩大的时刻,越来越多的国际政要公开声援中国大陆退党潮。美国当地时间7月18日下午,大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网 时报在美国国会大厦H-137会议室首次举办九评系列研讨会,题目为:“去掉伪装,揭示一个真实的中国”。



三位美国联邦议员 (新泽西州民主党众议员罗斯‧浩特Rush Holt, 加州共和党众议员达纳.罗拉巴克Dana Rohrabacher, 和德州民主党众议员希拉‧杰克逊‧李Sheila Jackson Lee) 以及来自不同国家的外交官员、专家学者及媒体工作者对《九评》触发的退党大潮、中国政治经济社会现况﹑中共政权对全世界人民造成的伤害及其未来走向﹐进行了深入全面的审视与探讨。


研讨会主持人英文大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网时报编辑斯蒂文‧格雷戈瑞 (Stephen Gregory)说,自从《九评》发表两年半以来,大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网在全世界各地举办了800多场《九评》及退党大潮等揭示真实中国的系列研讨会,其中包括600场中文研讨会、100场英文研讨会和100场其它语种的研讨会。今天是首次在美国国会大厦举办《九评》系列研讨会。


他在演讲中说﹕“……如果还有任何事情是在上述我所讨论到的各种情况中共同不变的﹐那就是中国共产党政权将继续压制其薄弱的对手﹐像在国际上的台湾和在国内薄弱的异议人士﹐以维持中共一党专政的地位。中国共产党现在的流行语‘稳定压倒一切’﹐已经表示了中国共产党将尽一切手段来镇压所有的反对人士和力量的心态……” 。

以下是黄伟峰博士演讲的中文译文与英文全文 (根据录音整理而成﹐小标题为记者所加)。


谢谢主持人斯蒂文的介绍﹗这是我莫大的荣誉与高兴来参加这个高规格活动 (研讨会)﹐并与你们分享我对中国现况及权力的一些看法。




作为一个其祖先在20代以前来自中国大陆的台湾人, 我向在中共现政权不当统治下遭受过苦难的大陆民众表达同情关怀。就像大多数的台湾民众一样﹐我们不认为中国民众是我们的敌人﹐他们是我们的朋友和亲戚。只是这个中国共产党政权﹐它对内整肃自己的人民﹐对外压制台湾人民的生存权利。就是它把我们今天聚在一起﹐一同探讨并提醒全世界﹕中国(中共)的真实面目。

中国共产党是以攻击其薄弱的对手﹐并向强大的敌人谨慎地隐藏其真实意图而著名于世的。中国共产党的许多伎俩只是为了唯一的目地﹕在中国维持中共的一党专政。 因此﹐对中国共产党像贪婪的猎手﹐常年不断的清洗猎杀异见人士的事﹐就不足为奇了。



由于中共不愿实际的向民主迈进﹐许多民众的不满和抗议事件﹐以及侵犯人权和中共的腐败和不当统治事件 , 层出不穷的被报导出来。据中国公安部报导的数据显示﹐自发性的示威抗议活动﹐从1990年代初期的一年一千六百起增加至2005年的八万七千起。我所提的“自发性示威抗议活动”, 是因为在中国是没有“有组织的示威抗议活动”。它是根本不准有这种“有组织的抗议活动” 的。


其中﹐没收土地而不给予足够的补偿﹐是促成大型示威抗议活动中最重要的一个触因。例如在 2005年的广东省佛山市, 二千多村民包围当地政府﹐抗议当地警方非法拘禁和殴打村民。这些村民是去示威抗议他们的耕地被当地政府强迫收回而不给补偿。

据2007年广西省的报导 , 强执执行的“一胎化政策”遭到公众的抗拒﹐数千人站出来示威抗议。今年从山西省﹐我们还听到了拐骗孩子强制劳动的恶性“黑砖窑”事件。

2007年在福建省厦门市﹐当地居民因害怕化工厂的致命污染源﹐他们被动员并包围了附近正在兴建的化工厂。但是当地政府似乎已下定决心 ,贯彻化工厂的兴建﹐很可能他们从化工厂收取一定的佣金或回扣。

2004年在河南省, 一个回族的少数民族被一名汉族的假冒警察殴打了﹐因此引发了汉﹑回两族村民的群体拳打脚踢事件。


中国共产党常用来压迫异议人士的方法﹐包括经常例行的骚扰﹑暴力恐吓﹑软禁﹑关押监禁﹑和判刑处死。 如果一个异议人士被黜离家乡流亡海外﹐中国共产党就会全力阻挡﹐使他或她永远无法踏上国土﹐返回家乡。





这样严密控制媒体的不良后果之一﹐是地方当局往往隐瞒不利于他们的信息。例如 2003年的SARS(非典)疫情﹐由于制度性隐瞒﹐造成了周围的东南亚国家大量的人命损失﹐尤其在香港和台湾。




其次, 中国共产党剥夺了台湾人民参与几乎所有的国际组织的权力﹐这许多都触及到台湾存活的必要功能。举例来说﹐台湾人民呼吁国际社会支持台湾加入世界卫生组织 (WHO)。但在2003年SARS疫情期间﹐世界卫生组织专家要等到北京批准后才能来台湾﹐这已是疫情爆发数星期之后﹐我们已失去了70位台湾人的生命。即使在这种疫情紧急的情况下﹐北京仍试图阻止从国际社会对台湾的人道援助。

另一个例子是﹐台湾想参与一些需要地区的活动﹐以贡献自己回馈国际社会。在2005年﹐有一个东南亚地区的海啸在印尼各地和印度洋地区。台湾人民与政府想要给相关地区捐赠超过六千多万美元的食品和救济物资。但事实上台湾方面代表﹐并没有被联合国协调所有救灾工作的委员会邀请参加相关的会议。 所以﹐事情的原委是﹐我们不得不辗转用一些其他方式把食品和救济物资运达海啸受灾地区。

更荒谬的是﹐在2006年那次在巴基斯坦的克什米尔地区的地震时期﹐我们派出了100多人的救援队伍﹐以救助那些在克什米尔地区遭受地震灾难的人们。我们的救援队却被迫在泰国落地停飞﹐因为巴基斯坦当局不给我们的救援队签发签证, 以进入克什米尔地区帮助那些受灾难之苦的人。这种情况的﹐你当然能猜到﹐原因是巴基斯坦当局受到了来自中共政权的巨大压力。我们的救援队不能获得任何签证﹐进入克什米尔地区进行抢救就不足惊奇。



***“稳定压倒一切” 表示中共将镇压所有反对人士和力量


***中共将面对公平正义 呼吁联合国和欧盟共同为中国人权奋斗


只有当强大的世界组织共同采取行动 ,中国才会认真听取和改变。最后﹐我只想向你们提出在本周商业周刊上的一篇文章的标题﹕中国能够被修正变好吗?




Thank you Stephen for your introduction﹗ This is my great honor and great pleasure to attend this fine event and share my views about China’s situations and rights.

I do not pretend myself to be able to reveal the “true China” for you since I have troubles traveling to China. I have worked for the Mainland Affairs Council in Taiwan for only more than two years. I am short of the knowledge about China, more or less.

So, I am now not going to detail you the very significant achievements of China’s situations and rights, except to draw your attentions to its social causes on environment, living standards, income qualities, corruptions, bad governs, and above all, the abuse of human rights.

As a Taiwanese, whose ancestor came from Mainland China 20 generations ago, I extend my sympathy to the Chinese who suffered from mal-governing of the Chinese current regime in Mainland.

Like most Taiwanese, Chinese people are not regarded as our enemies but as our friends and relatives. It is the Chinese Communist Party regime that internally purged Chinese dissidents and externally suppressed Taiwanese people’s rights to survive, that brought us here to alert the world of the true face of China’s rights.

The Chinese Communist Party is renowned for its attacks against its weak opponents, and prudently hides its real intentions in the face of the power. The only purpose held in the Chinese Communist Party’s maneuvers is to maintain its one party dominance in China. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Chinese Communist Party persistently purges its dissidents like a rich hunter.

When confronting the US and the European powers’ urge for democracy and human rights, the Chinese Communist Party tends to respond politely and pay lip services to its long-term democratic reform.

Because of the reluctance of the Chinese Communist Party’s move to democracy, there have been numerous reports of grievance and protest instances as well as the abuse of human rights and the Chinese Communist Party’s corruption and mal governs.

According to the records provided by Chinese Police Department, spontaneous protesting movement instances increased from 1,600 in early 1990s to 87,000 in 2005. I mentioned “spontaneous protesting movements”, because there is no organized protest movement in China. It is not allowed to have this kind of organized protest movement in China.

Most of these instances occurred as the result of the corruption of local officials, illegal confiscation of farmer’s land, labor and capital disputes, villagers rights of water and energy supplies, industrial pollutions, enforcement of one child policy, ethnic confrontation between Hui and Han, insufficient government compensation for individual losses.

Land confiscation without sufficient compensation is one of the major causes of the protests. In 2005, in Foshan City, Guangdong Province, more than 2,000 villagers encircled local government in protest against local police illegally detaining and beating up villagers. These villagers appealed their case that their farmland was contributed to local government without compensations.

In Guangxi 2007, it was reported that the strong enforcement of the “One Child Policy” was met with public resistance and several thousand people came out to protest. In Shanxi Province this year, we also heard about the child forced labors in the “Hei Zhuan Yao”.

In 2007, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, local residents were mobilized and encircled a chemical plant for fear of deadly pollutions. But local government seemed to be determined to carry it out as if they had some commission or kickbacks from the chemical plant.

In 2004, Henan Province, one Hui ethnic minority was beaten up by a pretended Han policeman. As a result, the Han and Hui villagers confronted with each other for fist fights.

In 2005, Chongqing City, Sichuan Province, a protestant was beaten up by a pretended local official and incurred 50,000 residents turnout to smash police cars and government buildings.

The ways that the Chinese Communist Party oppresses its dissidents include routine harassments, violent intimidations, house arrest, jail and death penalty. If a dissident is exiled, the Chinese Communist Party will make sure he or she will never return to Chinese floor.

Not only the Chinese Communist Party government has no intention to move to democracy and respect human rights, but also it tightens its control over the media and civil society.

In China, more than 10,000 of the Internet police have been deployed to monitor and scrutinize Internet communications. Any words containing democracy, freedom, Taiwan or Tibet are screened out from search engine.

It is unfortunate to hear that Google and Yahoo gave in to the Chinese Communist Party’s demand to provide information that led to the arrest of Zhao Yan, a human right activist.

In order to tighten up its control over all media, Chinese Communist Party Regime has jailed 10,000 journalists over years, which is more than all journalists jailed by other countries in the world. Moreover, journalists must apply for prior approval in order to interview TianAnMen dissidents.

One consequence of such tight control of the media is the local authorities tend to hide unfavorable information such as the SARS epidemic in 2003, which caused lots of human life loss around the South East Asia countries, such as Hong Kong and Taiwan.

With such strict rules to treat innocent people in China, it is not surprising to see that how the Chinese Communist Party treats Taiwanese people and Taiwan, a country that China claims as part of it, but yet exerts no effective jurisdiction on that.

First, Chinese Communist Party has deployed more than 900 missiles targeting Taiwan. The purpose is to intimidate Taiwan people not to declare independence but increasingly used to intervene Taiwan domestic politics.

Secondly, the Chinese Communist Party has deprived Taiwan people rights of the right to participate in almost all international organizations that incur functional necessities for Taiwan’s survival. For example, Taiwanese people urge the international community to support Taiwan to participate in WHO (World Health Organization).

But during the SARS epidemic in 2003, WHO experts came to Taiwan only after the approval of Beijing, which was several weeks after we lost the lives of 70 Taiwanese people. Even in this kind of emergency situation, Beijing still tried to stop humanitarian aids from international community.

Another example is that Taiwan would like to contribute ourselves to the international society in some territory’s activities. In 2005, I think, there was a Tsunami in Southeast Asia, around Indonesia and Indian Ocean. Taiwanese people and the government donated more than 60 million US dollars of food and aids to this area. But in fact, Taiwanese representatives were not invited by the UN Commission, who coordinates all of the relief efforts, to the conference. So, what happened was that we had to use some other way to ship in our food and aids in Tsunami relief.

Even more bizarre, during the earthquake in Pakistan Kashmir area, in 2006 I think, Taiwan sent out 100 people of rescue team in order to rescue those who were suffering earthquake in Pakistan Kashmir area. Our rescue team was actually grounded in Thailand because the Pakistan Authority would not issue a visa for our rescue team to go into the Kashmir area to help those who suffered. This kind of situation, of course you understand that, was because that the Pakistan Authority was subject to tremendous pressures from the Chinese government. It is not surprise our rescue team would not get any visa to get into the Kashmir area.

This is to show you how China tried to suppress internally and externally all of its opponents. I tend to say weak opponents, for example, in China those who suffer from oppressions tend to be those without any weapon to fight against the Communist Regime. They are individual people, human rights lawyers, and farmers, probably the underclass in China.

Internationally, Taiwan, Tibet or other countries were subject to China’s tremendous pressures. We are talking here about the human rights not about the sovereign status because we understand that the UN Charter granted everybody to have human rights, to have rights to be protected. Because of the Chinese Government’s arbitrations, Taiwanese people cannot be looked after by all of the international organizations and the UN.

In conclusion, if there is any thing consistent in the above mentioned cases, that is the Chinese Communist Party Regime will continue to oppress weak opponents like Taiwan internationally or its weak dissidents in China, in order to maintain its one party dominance status in China. The Chinese Communist Party’s catch word-stability overrules anything else, already shows the Chinese Communist Party’s mentality to suppress all dissidents by all means.

But I think that justice and fairness will never let the Chinese Communist Party off the hook. We should urge the powerful nations like United Nations and European Union in the world to join together in fighting for Chinese people, Chinese people’s rights and for promoting democracy in China.

Only when the powerful nations act together will China listen and change. I just want to mention to you an article in this week issue in the Business Weekly; the title is Can China be fixed?

I think it can. If China adopts democracy and respects human rights, China will be fixed.

Thank you﹗


黄伟峰驻美副代表  原能会政务副主委杨昭义
TIFA会议下周华府召开  黄伟峰:困难度高