持着对这些原则的信念,布里斯本 ‘天主教公正与和平委员会’表达,我们要与在中国为自由和人权而奋斗的兄弟姊妹们团结一致。
皮特 安特 (Peter Arndt)
A Message on Human Rights in China
For the Brisbane Rally on 28 April 2007
The most fundamental principle of Catholic social teaching is that the dignity of the human person is inviolable. This principle is at the heart of our defence of the human rights of people all over the world. Faithful to these principles, the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission of Brisbane expresses its solidarity with our Chinese sisters and brothers who stand up for freedom and human rights in China. We look with great hope for the day when the Chinese people are free to exercise their political, religious and social freedom without fear or prejudice. May God abundantly bless those courageous people who champion the cause of human dignity and freedom!
Peter Arndt
On behalf of the Commission
27 April 2007