




被告CCTV在它的新闻报导、专访节目和记录片中把法轮功学员描绘成恐怖份子,把难以启齿的罪行强加给法轮功学员,迫使患精神病的人(参与了无知的犯罪)摆个姿势冒充法轮功学员,把杀人案归咎于法轮功。被告CCTV 有效地制造了谎言来鼓励和指使公众、警察和其它安全部门在中国对法轮功学员实行不合法的拘捕和拘留, 非法审讯和酷刑折磨,并且用残酷洗脑和灌输的形式迫使学员放弃他们的信仰, 并在许多情况下造成了拒绝放弃信仰的学员的死亡。


近代史恰如其分地证实了上述观点。CCTV的报导和电视节目中所使用的战术,与纳粹德国在第二次世界大战期间的采取的方式是一样的;与卢旺达Hutu在对Tutsi 的种族灭绝, 与南斯拉夫Slobodan Milosevic的种族清洗所采取的手段也是一样的。在这些残酷的大屠杀中, 宣传成为了必不可少的一环。没有这些宣传,大规模屠杀残酷迫害就不可能发生。因此,Peter Zvagulis 写道: “在南斯拉夫反对波西尼亚人的运动中, 在卢旺达反对Tutsi 少数族裔的运动中, 和最近在中国反对法轮功的运动中,宣传的口号是同样的 (必须毁掉他们,要不然他们将毁掉你)。他们大规模犯罪的罪名也是一样的,就是群体灭绝或种族清洗。”(选自Peter Zvagulis 的作品?中共的仇恨宣传? 2005 年7月7 日

(//en.tvsmo.com/news/5-7-7/30115.html) (注:Peter Zvagulis是国际事务专题作家,是原自由欧洲广播电台的编辑)。

或许更重要的是, 这些罪犯最终总是被法庭处以无期徒刑或绞刑。纳粹战争法庭、卢旺达和南斯拉夫国际法庭均可作为见证。

卢旺达新闻工作者被判了长期服刑,因为他们扮演了挑唆种族清洗的角色。纳粹宣传喉舌Julius Streicher 被判绞刑,而他描述犹太人所用的谎言与中共抹黑法轮功的用词几乎一抹一样。


相对其他的同谋来讲被告也许并不是直接地参与对犹太人的犯罪, [然而]… 被告的罪行是“他使这些罪行成为可能”。没有Streicher [ 和Goebbels(戈培尔),宣传运动的主谋],就没有人会追随希特勒参与灭绝犹太人。

中国人民有必要在了解这些,特别是那些参与反法轮功宣传的人。CCTV (涉嫌) 犯下了与已被处决的那些纳粹战犯一模一样的罪行, 因为没有CCTV 和其它宣传机构在中国的所作所为,在中国就没有多少人会跟随江泽民,罗干的和李岚清等参与迫害与根除法轮功。


大多[纳粹]被告都在法庭上表示, 他们有好的人品,是孩子们的好家长并努力工作, 好像这能在某个方面辩解他们的在种族灭绝犯罪中扮演的角色。他们共同的辩解是被告当时的做为符合德国法律。但我们知道, 德国法律在1933 年以后就变成了希特勒的意愿。另外的一项无效辩护是:他们是在执行上级的命令。这个辩护是不成立的。事实上执行政府或上司的命令也不解脱他犯下的罪行所应承担的责任。

更加广义的讲, 这些被告总是责备别人。那些筹划大屠杀的人责怪参与实施大屠杀的人并让他们负责。而那些帮助掩埋[犹太人]尸体或参与掩护令人震惊的谋杀的人却把责任推给那些设计灭绝和屠杀的人。宣传喉舌总是设法疏远自己和他们的教唆所引发的罪行的联系。那些执行大屠杀的人争辩说他们只是执行命令。如果我们听了他们的说法,我们会得出这样的结论:或者是没有人负任何责任,或者是所有那些援助、协从、和帮助实施这些罪行的人都是有罪的。而后者就是我们今天做出的结论。






– By Terri Marsh, US Director, Human Rights Law Foundation

Chen Gang and several other Falun Gong practitioners filed a case against China Central Television for torture, genocide, and other crimes against humanity. As the Complaint filed in the United States District Court, Southern District of New York states:

By characterizing people who commit terrorist acts and other unspeakable crimes as Falun Gong practitioners in its news reports, documentaries and special interview shows, by forcing mentally ill persons [who have perpetrated unconscionable crimes] to pose as Falun Gong practitioners by attributing unsolved mass murders to those who actually do practice Falun Gong, defendant CCTV has effectively created a network of lies about Falun Gong that encourages and incites the public, the police and other security forces in China to subject practitioners … to unlawful arrests and detention, illegal police interrogation and torture, and brutal forms of brainwashing and indoctrination techniques to force practitioners to renounce their beliefs and associations, and in many cases, to cause the execution of practitioners who do not renounce [Falun Gong].

Recent history makes this point exceedingly well. The tactics used in the CCTV

media reports and television shows are similar to those used in Nazi Germany during the Second World War, in Rwanda during the campaign of genocide of the Tutsi by the Hutu, and in the ethnic cleansing activities in Yugoslavia under Slobodan Milosevic. In all of these violent assaults and massacres, the propaganda operated as an integral mechanism without which the mass killing and violent assaults could not have occurred. Thus, as Peter Zvagulis notes, in the campaign in Yugoslavia against the Bosnians, in the campaign in Rwanda against the Tutsi minority, and more recently in the campaign in China against Falun Gong, not only is the message always the same (destroy them or they will destroy you) but the name of the mass crime that follows is genocide or ethnic cleansing. “The CCP’s Hate Propaganda,” July 7, 2005 (available at //en.tvsmo.com/news/5-7-7/30115.html).

But, and perhaps even more importantly, the criminal sanctions that follow the commission of these crimes are always life imprisonment or death by hanging, as is evidenced by the Nazi War Tribunal proceedings, as well as the International Tribunals for Rwanda and Yugoslavia.

While the Rwanda journalists were sentenced to lengthy jail terms for their role in inciting ethnic cleansing in Rwanda, the Nazi propagandist Julius Streicher was sentenced to death by hanging for describing the Jews in terms that are almost identical to the lies told in China about Falun Gong.

In explaining its decision to sentence the Nazi propagandist to death, the Judges had this to say:

It may be that the defendant is less directly involved in the physical commission of the crimes against the Jews than some of his co-conspirators, [however] … the crime of the defendant is that he made these crimes possible. Without Streicher [and Goebbels the mastermind of the propaganda campaign], the Hitlers would have nobody to follow their order to exterminate the Jews.

It is imperative that the people in China understand this, and especially those who themselves participate in the propaganda war that is being waged against FLG in China: CCTV has (allegedly) committed the very same crimes for which several Nazi war criminals were executed, because without the CCTV and other propagandists in China, the Jiang Zemin’s, Lou Gan’s and Li Lanqing’s would have no one to follow their orders to eradicate Falun Gong and purge it from China.

Indeed, it not only those who participate in the propaganda effort against Falun Gong that face serious legal sanctions – life in prison, lengthy jail terms if not death by execution.

This is what another Nuremberg Judge had to say about those who participated in minor or major ways in the extermination of the Jews in Europe:

Most of the defendants on trial introduced affidavits showing that they had good character and were loving parents and devoted workers, as if this could in some way justify their role in the criminal program of genocide. A common defense was that what the defendant did was in accordance with German law at the time. But we know that German law after 1933 were nothing except the expression of “Hitler’s Will.” Another defense of equal invalidity is that they were following orders of their superiors. This defense is invalid. The fact that any person acted pursuant to the order of his government or of his superior does not free him from responsibility for his crime.

More generally, these defendants always blamed someone else. The ones who came up with the idea pointed to those who implemented the mass murders as the responsible parties. Those who helped conceal the bodies or stood guard while egregious murders were perpetrated pointed to those who designed the campaign of mass extermination and murder. The propagandists tried to distance themselves from the crimes they incited. Those who carried out the mass murders argued that they were only following orders. If we were to listen to them, we would have to conclude that no one is responsible or that all of those who aided, assisted, and helped to further these crimes are guilty. It is the latter proposition that we uphold today.

As bad as it has been in the past, the CCP is behaving more irrationally in the wake of its own collapse. It knows well that over 20 million already have seen through its lies and refused to be a part of its organization. Like a serial killer that knows one day it will be arrested and brought to trial, the CCP is now especially driven by an irrational terror and fear causing it to commit more unspeakable crimes to conceal the crimes it must perpetrate to maintain control.

But since the CCP is on the verge of a total collapse, it is only a matter of time before the True China will emerge and people everywhere will know the magnificent purity and goodness of Falun Gong.

Thank you.(//www.dajiyuan.com)


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