


美国亚裔民主联盟发起人及会长﹐越南美裔社区美国总会长﹐阮文坛 (Tan Van Nguyen) 先生。(丽莎摄影/大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网)



美国亚裔民主联盟发起人及会长﹐越南美裔社区美国总会长﹐阮文坛 (Tan Van Nguyen) 先生。(丽莎摄影/大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网)

美国亚裔民主联盟发起人及会长﹐也是越南美裔社区美国总会长﹐阮文坛 (Tan Van Nguyen) 先生在集会上说:“做为美国法轮功受迫害联合真相调查团的一名成员﹐我强烈谴责中共在不同的地方活体摘取法轮功学员器官贩卖牟利以及酷刑折磨数千人致死的罪行。奥林匹克运动会﹐应该是由生活在自由的﹑有自由意识的人民来举办,而不是由像中国共产党这样的独裁政党来举办。中共加剧迫害人权──监禁、酷刑、虐杀、盗取器官牟利,完全与它们申办奥运时所做出的承诺背道而驰。我们强烈呼吁自由国家的领导人和 人民向中共施压,向他们传递强烈的信息──‘没有人权﹐就没有北京奥运﹗’。”

美国自由高棉 (柬埔寨) 共和国会长﹐美国亚洲民主联盟发起人及秘书﹐特科延 (Thach Yen) 先生。(丽莎摄影/大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网)

美国自由高棉 (柬埔寨) 共和国会长﹐也是美国亚洲民主联盟发起人及秘书﹐特科延 (Thach Yen) 先生在集会上说:“像寮国﹑越南﹑和中国一样,柬埔寨 (高棉) 现在是一个巨大的监狱﹐被共产党的军队和警察控制着。在这里我想要告诉你们﹐中国共产党﹑越南共产党﹑寮国共产党﹑和柬埔寨(高棉)共产党是人类的敌人﹐他们即将被唾弃不耻而抛弃。”

世界妇女协会代表﹐美国亚洲民主联盟外交事务主任﹐范淇女士 (Ms. Chi Phan)。(丽莎摄影/大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网)

世界妇女协会代表﹐也是美国亚洲民主联盟外交事务主任﹐范淇女士 (Ms. Chi Phan)﹐以流利的法文在集会上即席演讲﹐她呼吁全球关注在共产暴政下的中国及亚洲人民的人权迫害和为自由﹐尤其是宗教信仰自由﹐所作的持续努力。她大力赞扬并声援人权圣火全球传递的系列活动。

以下是美国亚裔民主联盟会长及越南美裔社区美国总会长阮文坛先生以及美国自由高棉 (柬埔寨) 共和国会长及美国亚洲民主联盟发起人及秘书特科延先生﹐在华盛顿特区国会山前集会上演讲的中文翻译及英文原文﹕




能够参加今天华盛顿集会并为声援人权圣火发表演讲是我的无上光荣。我很高兴能参与我们真相调查团 (美国法轮功受迫害联合真相调查团) 今天所举办推广人权圣火全球传递的集会。我确信我们今天站在一起,能够向全世界各国领袖及所有追求人权与民主的广大人民发出一个强有力的讯息﹐特别是对中国﹑越南﹑高棉(柬埔寨)﹑和寮国的领袖和人民。

女士们,先生们, 奥林匹克运动会本来是为年轻的男女运动员而举办的,是自由展现他们体育才能的场合。我们都知道,主办奥运会是一种荣誉,只有几个国家举办过。最近,中国被赋予了这个荣誉能够在北京举办2008年奥运会,但是有一个先决条件﹐就是中共必须改善其恶劣的人权纪录。





“奥林匹克精神旨在创造一种生活的方式﹐依据… …尊重普世的基本伦理原则… … ,以期促进一个以关注与维护人类尊严的和平的社会。”











美国法轮功受迫害联合真相调查团 团员




(Speech of Mr. Tan Van Nguyen at the rally in Washington DC, 10/27/2007, in supporting of the human right torch relay of Chinese Community and the urge of Human Rights in Asian countries.)

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great honor for me to be here and express my opinion at this rally for Human Rights Torch Relay. I am glad to join in our CIPFG (Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of The Falun Gong in China) to promote The Human Torch Relay today. I am sure that we will send a strong message to the leaders of all the nations and people aspiring for human rights and democracy, particularly the leaders and people of China, Vietnam, Khmer and Laos.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Olympic arenas are supposed to be opened for the free young men and women who come and show their physical talent. We know that hosting the Olympics is an honor that few nations are granted.

Most recently, China has been so honored to organize the 2008 Olympics in Beijing with the proviso that the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will improve its deplorable record on human rights. In contrary with what they promised, the CCP has increased its abuse—jailing people without trial, torture, and even murdering people in order to sell their organs for profits.

As a member of the CIPFG – USA, I strongly condemn the live organ harvesting crimes and tortures/killings of thousands of Falun Gong members in different occasions in the past. I’d like to reiterate today that killing innocent Falun Gong believers alive for their organs or for depriving their freedom of thought is a new form of evils on earth that is totally not acceptable and should be stopped immediately.

The Alliance for Democracy of Asians in USA believes that if China has the chance to organize the 2008 Olympics, then CCP must lives up to the principles expressed in the Olympic Charter:

“Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on … respect for universal fundamental ethical principles … with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity.”

Also, the Olympics should be organized by the free people living with the spirit of freedom, and not by the monopole party like the CCP. We suggest that leaders and people of the free nations put pressure on the China Communist Party by sending a powerful message:


On behalf of The Vietnamese American Community in USA and The Alliance for Democracy of Asians in United States of America, which links together the Free Khmer under the leadership of Mr. Thach Yen, The United League For Democracy of Laos under the leadership of Mr. Bounthanh Rathina, the Free Chinese Community, and the Vietnamese American Community in USA, I want you to know that The Alliance for Democracy of Asians in USA will support the struggle of the Chinese people to request their human rights and freedoms and will stand by their side with the people of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam to struggle for the same goal for our nations:






Thank you!

Tan Van Nguyen


President, The Alliance for Democracy of Asians in USA

Cofounder and Chairman, The Vietnamese American Community In USA


(以下是美国自由高棉 (柬埔寨) 共和国会长及美国亚洲民主联盟发起人及秘书特科延先生在集会上的演讲。)



中国共产党(中共) 最近在承诺改善人权的条件下﹐已经如此荣幸的将要在北京举办2008年的奥运会。但是,中共在说谎,他们仍然以无数的逮捕﹑折磨﹑和谋杀加大罪行的违反人权。

我们要求美国和自由国家的领袖们告诉中国共产党: “没有人权,就没有北京奥运﹗”

像寮国﹑越南﹑和中国一样,柬埔寨(高棉) 现在是一个巨大的监狱﹐被共产党的军队和警察控制着。



谢谢! !


美国自由高棉 (柬埔寨) 共和国 会长

美国亚洲民主联盟 发起人及秘书


Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is an honor for me to attend and express my opinion at this rally for Human Right Torch Relay. I thank you and congratulate the Coalition To Investigate Persecution Of Falun Gong In China, which organizes The Rally for Supporting the Human Torch Relay today.

Recently, Communist China has been so honored to organize the Olympics 2008 in Beijing with the promise to improve human rights. But Chinese Communist Party (CCP) lies, they continue to increase their violations in human rights with numerous arrests, tortures, and murders.

We request that leaders of the United States of America and all free nations to tell the Chinese Communist Party that: NO HUMAN RIGHT, NO BEIJING OLYMPIC!

Like Laos, Vietnam and China, Cambodia (Khmer) is a giant prison controlled by the communist army and police.

On behalf of The Republic of Khmer, and The Alliance for Democracy of Asians in United States of America, which includes The Free Khmer people, The United League For Democracy of Laos, the Vietnamese American Community in USA, and The Free Chinese people, I want you to know that Chinese Communist Party, Cambodia Communist Party, Laos Communist Party and Vietnam Communist Party are the enemies of the whole humanity and will be trashed and discarded soon.

Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, The Alliance for Democracy of Asians In USA will bring manpower, experience, wisdom, and innovations to share with Chinese people against Communist dictatorship, and I am sure with our union forces we will vanquish all injustice in these countries.

Thank you!!

Thach Yen

President, The Republic of Khemer in USA

Co-founder and Secretary, The Alliance for Democracy of Asians in USA

