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【大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网11月14日讯】(大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网记者南希美国华府图片报导) 11月11日下午﹐大华府全球退党服务中心及大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网时报华府分社在美国国会反射湖前举行 “庆祝九评二周年及1500万中国民众退党” 的公共集会。几十位大华府地区各界侨民、中国问题专家以及遭受共产党暴政统治的越南、老挝、柬埔寨等社团代表同庆《九评》传播两周年,声援1500万中国民众退出中共。

集会由全球告别中共大联盟华府发言人寇特匹尔曼(Court Pearman)先生以及公共集会共同召集人、大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网时报华府代表李女士主持。参加集会的演讲人有大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网专栏作家、中国问题专家贺宾先生﹐美国越南美裔社区同乡会总会长、大华府地区种族社团民主联盟召集人及越南代表阮文坛(Tan V. Nguyen)先生﹐中国网上游说执行主任、支持中国网络主席迪杰麦奎尔(D.J.McGuire)先生(书面发言)﹔中国问题研究、乔治华盛顿大学伊利阿特国际事务研究所孟博恩(Brian Marple)先生﹐自由柬埔寨美裔社区主席、退役上校、大华府地区种族社团民主联盟柬埔寨代表特科延(Yen Thach)先生﹐“上海浦江浪潮”作者、中共暴政受害者严德馨先生﹔老挝(寮国)民主联盟秘书长、大华府种族社团民主联盟老挝代表托产布楼(Thong Chanh Boulom)先生﹐全侨民主和平联盟巴城华府支盟共同主席、大华府中华会馆委员张建国先生。



中国网上游说执行主任、支持中国网络主席迪杰麦奎尔(D.J.McGuire)先生(书面发言) (大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网图片库)
中国网上游说执行主任、支持中国网络主席迪杰麦奎尔(D.J.McGuire)先生(书面发言) (大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网图片库)
中国网上游说执行主任、支持中国网络主席迪杰麦奎尔(D.J.McGuire)先生(书面发言) (大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网图片库)







然而﹐这不仅仅只是情报资讯而已。自从两年前九评共产党系列文章发表后﹐超过1500万中国共产党党员看到了曙光并且离开了厌恶的中国共产党。换句话说﹐每90位中国人民里就有1位现在已经退党、退团、退队(在共产党党部内﹐每11位党员就有超过2位党员退党) 。









Dear Mr. President,

The fate of a very brave man is in your hands!

In Thailand, Jia Jia remains susceptible to arrest by the Communist Chinese regime for trying to bring democracy to the Chinese people. For reasons that are unknown – and even if they were known, they’d be unfathomable – American consulates have denied him asylum.

I ask you to order the consulate to reverse that decision and grant Jia asylum in the United States.

Jia may be just one man, but the implications of his situation are enormous. As head of the China Shanxi Science and Technology Experts Association, Jia was a well-placed technology specialist.

The information he has learned about Communist China’s technological industry could be a tremendous intelligence boon for the democratic world, especially given the fact that the civilian and military technology sectors are so deeply intertwined-it could even be reasonably said that they are not separate sectors at all.

However, this is about more than mere intelligence information. Since the release of the Nine Commentaries two years ago, over 15 million Communist Party members have seen the light and left the Party in disgust. In other words, one in every ninety citizens of the People’s Republic of China is a former Communist (within the Party itself, that is more than two out of every eleven members).

For understandable reasons, many high-ranking ex-cadres are too fearful to speak out. Jia is arguably the highest-ranking offical from Communsit China to go public with his call for a democratic China. Millions of ex-Communists are watching to see if the democratic world will protect and aid Jia.

By granting Jia asylum and protection, the United States will show that the nations of the democratic world are eager to see China join them. Conversely, continuing to deny him asylum sends the unintended signal that the free world is more worried about the Chinese Communist Party than the Chinese people.

This is not the signal we want to send.

Jia Jia can be more than just a leader in the China democracy movement; he can be a symbol to all who have rejected the Communist regime that they have been noticed by the democratic world, and a symbol of encouragement to those considering leaving the Party to do the right thing.

That is the main reason why the Communist Party is so eager to ensure Jia is not granted asylum. It is also the main reason asylum should be granted.

Let Jia Jia become China’s symbol, rather than its martyr.

Please, Mr. President, grant Jia Jia asylum in the United States!!


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