看新闻学英语〈36 〉
Two thousand Chinese journalists protest China’s lawsuit against journalists.
CHAN: More than two thousand Chinese journalists signed an open letter to the local authorities in Guongzhou City protesting a court decision that found two journalists guilty of extorting funds.
1. journalist: reporter, 记者。
2. local authorities: 地方当局。
3. guilty: Adj. Justly chargeable with, or responsible for, a crime; 有罪的
4.extort: v.t. To obtain wrongfully; 敲诈、勒索
• More than two thousand Chinese journalists signed an open letter 主要子句S+V+O
– to the local authorities 介系词词组表对象
– in Guongzhou City介系词词组表地点
– protesting a court decision 分词词组
• that found two journalists guilty 形容词子句
– of extorting funds.
Last year, the Guongzhou City court claimed that the former general manager of the Southern City news Yu Huafeng had taken $70,000. It also charged the former chief editor Le Mingyin with extorting $117,000.
1. former general manager: 前任总经理
2. charge: To accuse, to allege, to indict, to sue, 控告。
Legal sources say that the charges are false. The real reason they were arrested, according to human rights organizations and the media, is because they reported on social problems in China and local officials’ corruption.
corruption: The state of being changed for the worse; decay; deterioration; impurity; depravity. 贪污、腐败。
• The real reason 主词
– they were arrested,名词子句作后位修饰
– according to human rights organizations and the media, 介系词词组表来源
• is because 动词+副词子句作主词补语
– they reported on social problems
– in China
• and local officials’ corruption.
They also reported on the SARS epidemic before Beijing reported it to the World Health Organization.
1. SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, 严重急性呼吸道症候群。
2. epidemic: N. A general attack of a disease throughout a locality.流行病。
China has one of the worst records for jailing journalists – at the end of last year, forty-two Chinese journalists were in jail.
【讲解】worst: Bad or evil in the highest degree. 最差劲、最糟糕的
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