


China reconstructs after severe flooding



ANCHOR: Flooding and storms that have taken over 500 lives since May are finally dropping below alarm level in some areas.


1. to take over 500 lives: 夺走了超过500条人命。To take = to claim

2. alarm level: 警戒线。below alarm level: 低于警戒线。


But with more rains on their way and with difficulties in flood control, the ordeal is far from over.


1. with more rains on their way: 随着(因为)还有更多的雨量。

2. ordeal: a server trial or test, suffering, adversity, hardship, 苦难。


STORY: Water levels which once surpassed the alarm level in major rivers in south and east China saw continuous drop along with reduction of rainfalls in these areas.


1. surpass: to exceed=to overtake=to to beyond , 超过。

2. rainfall: The amount of rain that falls during a definite period on any given area.雨量。



• Water levels 主词

– which once surpassed the alarm level 形容词子句

• in major rivers 第一组介系词词组

• in south and east China第二组介系词词组

• saw continuous drop 动词+受词

– along with reduction of rainfalls第三组介系词词组

– in these areas.第四组介系词词组

Water in most sections of the Xijiang River, which runs through southern Guangdong Province and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, dropped below the warning line Saturday.

【讲解】 autonomous: self-governing; independent in government, 自治的;有自治权的;自主的。



• Water 主词

– in most sections of the Xijiang River,介系词词组

• which runs through southern Guangdong Province and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 形容词子句

• dropped 动词

• below the warning line介系词词组

• Saturday. 时间副词

And all the reaches of the Minjiang River, a major river in eastern Fujian Province, saw the water level below the alarm level.

【讲解】reaches: an unbroken stretch, as of water. 流域。


Flood control, however, is still tough in these areas. More rainfall is expected to sweep Guangxi in the coming two days and might pose new challenge for flood control in Xijiang.


1. tough: difficult, 艰难的。

2. sweep: to drive, flow over, or carry along or off with force. 横扫。

3. might pose new challenge: 可能造成新的挑战。


Floods have caused severe loss to the country since May, with 567 deaths. Relief work and reconstruction have begun in the areas where floods began to recede.


1. severe loss: the act or fact of losing; failure to keep possession. Also, that which is lost. 严重损失。

2. relief work: 救援工作。

3. to recede: To fall back; retreat. 退,退却。


Deputy chief of the electricity distribution department of Nanping Administration of Power Supply, Li Jinsong said “Across the whole Nanping City, nearly 95 percent of the power supply has been resumed.”


1. deputy chief: assistant chief. 副首。

2. resume: To take up again after interruption; begin again. 恢复。


In Guangdong, more than 1.33 million people had been mobilized because of the floods. The provincial government allocated 15.05 million yuan (1.82 million US dollars) for relief.


1. mobilize: To call people into active service.动员

2. allocate: To assign; or allot; distribute. 分配,拨给。


China is struck by floods and simultaneous drought every summer, causing enormous loss of life.


1. struck: pp. of strike. 侵袭。

2. simultaneous: Adj. Happening, done, or existing, at the same time. 同时发生的。

3. drought: N. Continued absence of rain or moisture; dryness. 干旱。

4. enormous: Adj. Very large; immense; tremendous; greatly exceeding the normal size or number. 巨大的。



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