【大澳门威尼斯人赌场官网6月9日讯】又是一年骊歌高唱的季节,青年学子参加完毕业典礼,马上要到处找工作了。美华协会大华府分会(OCA-DC)、北维州分会(OCA-Nova)、马州美华妇女会(OCAW-MD)邀请您一起来参加第四届求职座谈会(The Career Symposium)。座谈会的主题将同时涵盖职场新鲜人与转换跑道者的需要,各有两场讨论。
地点﹕ National Education Association Building,
1201 Sixteenth Street, NW (16th & M St., NW)
Washington, DC 20036
Farragut North 地铁站
请尽早确认您的座位与午餐, RSVP﹕ dyocadc@hotmail.com
10:00 am 报到
10:30 am 致欢迎词
10:45am-Noon, Morning Session:
Workshop 1A: Public Sector – “Uncle Sam Wants You!”
Workshop 2A: ”Newbie’s Guide to the Working World”
Noon – 1:15pm: “Birds of a Feather” Buffet Lunch informal roundtables
Luncheon Keynote Speaker: Allen Lew, CEO, DC Sports and Entertainment Commission
1:15pm-2:30pm, Afternoon session:
Workshop 1B: Private Sector – “The World Could Be Your Oyster”
Workshop 2B: Picking up the Fork in the Road – “Career transitions”(//www.dajiyuan.com)