









The International President

The International Secretary

The Chair of the Writers in Prison Committee

Dear Friends of the Independent Chinese PEN Centre,

The news of the passing of Liu Binyan on 5 December 2005 fills all of us in International PEN with great sadness. We extend our heart-felt condolences to his family and to all members of Independent Chinese PEN.

The voice of an internationally acclaimed writer and journalist, whose humanity, courage and compassion could never be compromised, not by threats of persecution nor bribery, not in his home country of China, not in exile, has fallen silent. And yet his message that honesty and human dignity must be defended at all times, that democratic principles and practice are the common treasure of humankind to be fought for and protected by everyone will continue to be heard around the world, loud and clear. His quest for truth will remain an example for all of us in International PEN to follow.

We join Mr. Liu Binyan’s family and Independent Chinese PEN, whom he served as co-founder, president and honorary president, in their grief. Mr. Liu will be painfully missed by all who knew him and everyone who knew about him.

Jiri Grusa

International President

Joanne Leedom-Ackerman

International Secretary

Karin Clark

Chair WiPC

