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150 feared dead in India train derailment

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标题150 feared dead in India train derailment (be动词在新闻标题中一律省略)可别看成是150人“吓死了”!而是150 are feared dead. 恐怕有150人死亡的意思。


150 Indians are feared dead after a passenger train accident in India on Saturday. Seven coaches of a passenger train derailed after a bridge collapsed in heavy rain.
客车是passenger train, 货车则是cargo train。七节车箱是seven coaches。脱轨是derail,de-在字根上是apart(分开)的意思。与铁轨分开,所以是“脱轨”的意思。
英语新闻中指称“豪雨”,一般就是heavy rain与torrential rain两个字。垮下来、塌陷下来,则是用collapse, tumble, topple。


The accident happened in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh. Cranes and a rescue train were rushed to the site. Reports say about 700 people have been rescued so far.
意外“发生”,记者会用happen, occur, take place。起重机、怪手(挖土机),都可以用crane表示。were rushed to, 火速前往,在意外新闻中常用,另一个用法是were scrambled to。


Chief Y.S.R Rajashekhar Reddy: “Unless the bodies are recovered, we will not be able to assess the total casualties. In the meantime, we are doing whatever is needed. The entire district administration is there, the railway people are there, and the medical teams are there. Everyone is doing whatever needs to be done.”
Chief就是head, director,单位首长之意。一般灾难新闻讲尸体,有三个用字,body, corpse, remains。Assess是评估之意,assessment report就是评估报告。Casualty是指伤亡,包括受伤及死亡,是灾难新闻的五星级用字。Entire是整个的、完全的,也就是 whole的意思。

Whatever needs to be done是由复合关系代名词whatever所引导的名词子句,作为doing的受词。Whatever本身又是受词,又是关系代名词,所以称为复合关系代名词。

【译文】:救援总指挥Y.S.R Rajashekhar Reddy说:“除非尸体被挖出来,我们无法评估总伤亡的数字。同时,我们正在做所需要的事。整个地区政府来了,铁路局的人来了,医疗队伍也来了。每个人都正在做一切所需要做的事。”

Frantic relatives have been working hard to get information about the accident.
Frantic就是crazy, mad, wild之意,会用这个字,是不是就比用mad 来的有素养多了!

Train passenger Kiran Rao: “I boarded the train at 11 am at Vishakhapatnam and by 3:00 p.m. we did not know where the train had reached. Now my niece, brother in law and sister in law are aboard the train but we have no information about them.”
to board the train, 搭上火车。所以搭上船就是to board the boat,搭上飞机就可以说是to board the plane。
where the train had reached是wh-疑问词所引导的名词字句 ,作为know的受词。比如:I don’t know who you are. 我不知道你是谁。

火车上的乘客Kiran Rao说:“我是在上午十一点时在Vishakhapatnam站搭上这班火车,在下午三点前,我们不知道这班火车到达那里了。现在我的侄女、小叔、弟媳还在火车上,但是我们没有关于他们的消息。”

Federal railway minister Lalu Prasad Yadav says rescue workers are doing all they can to rescue the victims.
联邦铁路部长Lalu Prasad Yadav说,救难人员正在做所有他们所能做的,以救出受难者。

Lalu Prasad: “It is raining very heavily and the train was going over a flooded canal when the incident took place. The rescue operation is on and locals have pitched in. We are saddened at the incident. The Junior Railway Minister has left for the site; we are communicating with the state government and have sought the navy and army’s help for the rescue work. The exact number of casualties will be known later. I have told the junior minister to announce for compensation but our first priority is carrying out the rescue operation.”
Flood, 名词是洪水,动词就是淹水,flooded是分词,淹水的、泛滥的。Incident,事件,与event的差别是,incident是偶发性的,event是安排好的。The locals have pitched in. 地方人士涌入,也可以说:The locals have poured in.
Left for, 前往,headed for, departed for。Compensation, 赔偿。Carry out, 执行。

Lalu Prasad说:“当意外发生的时侯,雨下的非常大,而火车正穿过一条河水泛滥的运河。救援行动正在进行中,当地人士也已投入进来。对于这起事故,我们非常悲伤。”副铁路部长已前往出事地点;我们正与州政府沟通,并寻求海军与陆军对救难工作的协助。精确的伤亡数字稍晚就会知道。我已经知诉副部长宣布赔偿事宜,但我们的首要工作,是进行救援行动。”

The storm has been triggered by a depression over the Bay of Bengal. The power is out in six Andhra districts including Kadapa.
Trigger当名词是枪支的“板机”, 当动词则是“引发”的意思。由某个“原因”造成某个“结果”,可以用cause, ignite, spark, trigger, prompt。


The power is out就是“停电”的意思,还可以用power outage或blackout.




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