



Lincoln Chafee,U.S. Senator, Rhode Island





I’m Senator Lincoln Chafee from the State of Rhode Island. Gong Hee Fot Choy!! Happy Ney Year greetings to the Chinese community worldwide and to the Chinese American community of Rhode Island, my home state.

As we celebrate the Year of the Rooster, it’s my sincere hope that the courage symbolized by the Rooster will inspire us all to work for greater peace and prosperity in the world.


Barney Frank, U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts


我很高兴能有此机会向即将欢庆这一时刻的美国华裔祝贺新年快乐, 同时我也高兴地指出移民政策是把美国建立得如此伟大的因素之一。对那些来自世界各地,就象我的祖父母一样,并且贡献着他们的多元文化的人们,我心中充满感激,正是这种多元化造就了这样一个非凡的国家。


“I’m delighted to have the chance to wish a happy new year to the Chinese Americans who will be celebrating this wonderful event and to note that immigration is one of the things that had made America great and I am grateful from all over the world who have come as my grandparents did and have contributed to the diversity that makes this great country that it is.”


Michael Capuano, U.S. Congressman, Massachusetts




“Hi, I’m Mike Capuano, the congressman from the eighth election district of Massachusetts. I am fortunate to have many of the people I represent – six hundred and thirty-five thousand people – of which many of them are of Chinese origin. So I’m here today to wish you the happiest of New Years and may you have a healthy and prosperous Year of the Rooster.”


Mitt Romney, Governor of the State of Massachusetts


大家好,我叫密特·朗尼, 是美国麻萨诸塞州州长。欢迎你们(来麻州)并祝愿你们有一个非常快乐的中国新年。我高兴地了解到在鸡年世界各地的华裔居民和公民将在一起庆祝,同时我也想表达对麻州华裔的认可与感激。我们的华人社区为我们的学习和创新贡献了无数的文化和科技内涵, 他们是一群给麻州的成功带来无数贡献的人。另外,我也祝贺新唐人电视台,感谢你们迈向极高水准的努力。因此,我所有的华人朋友,新年快乐。


“Hi there, my name is Mitt Romney. I’m the governor of the state of Massachusetts in the United States and I want to welcome you and also wish you a very happy Chinese New Year. I’m delighted that in this Year of the Rooster, Chinese residents and citizens from around the world will be celebrating together and I also want to bring recognition and appreciation to the Chinese people in our state. Our Chinese community contributes an enormous amount to our culture, and to our technology, to our learning and innovation. It’s a group of people who contribute enormously to our success in the state of Massachusetts. And also, congratulations to the New Tang Dynasty TV station.

( I ) Appreciate your willingness to reach great heights. So, to all of our Chinese friends, Happy Chinese New Year.”


Mayor of the City of Boston Tom Menino




“Hi. I’m mayor Tom Menino. I’d like to say hi to all my friends in the Chinese community and wish them a happy and prosperous New Year, the Year of the Rooster.

Gong Hee Fot Choy!!
