我代表新西兰政府和工党, 在新西兰华人社区庆祝猴年新春之时,向所有人士表示祝贺。
新西兰向来以尊崇人权和其社区间的友好关系为自豪。政府有责任创建这样的环境, 以使组成新西兰社会的人们能和平共处。 许多新的社区正向这个国家贡献他们文化、遗产和语言中的丰富内涵。 我们以庆祝这样的多元性文化为傲。
Message from Prime Minister Helen Clark for
Chinese New Year
On behalf of the government and the Labour Party, greetings to all members of New Zealand’s Chinese community as you celebrate the Year of the Monkey in this year’s Chinese New Year celebrations.
New Zealand is a country which prides itself on good relations between communities and which values deeply human rights. The government is committed to promoting an environment in which the many peoples who make up New Zealand can live together in harmony. Many new communities are contributing the richness of their cultures, heritage, and languages to New Zealand. We take pride in celebrating our cultural diversity.
The Labour Party places great value on its relationship with the Chinese community in New Zealand.
May the Festival bring you good health, prosperity and, above all, happiness.
Helen Clark
Prime Minister