





Making Choices

Confucius sought the wisdom of Zi Songhu. “Twice I was expelled from the State of Lu,” he said painfully. “In the State of Song I was in disgrace. I was not allowed to stay in the State of Wei. In the States of Shang and Zhou, I was not able to achieve my goals. At the border between the States of Chen and Cai, I was surrounded by the Chu’s army.

“While I was sufffering from these miseries, all my relatives shunned me, all my disciples and friends deserted me and went their own way. Why is that so?”

“Haven’t you heard the story of Lin Hui, a man from the State of Jia who had to flee for his life?” Zi Songhu asked, smiling.

“Lin Hui gave up his jade which was worth a thousand pieces of gold so that he could carry his infant son on his back. Someone asked Lin Hui, ‘Why did you carry your infant son? He’s burdensome and isn’t worth much. Why didn’t you take the jade instead?’

“Lin Hui replied, ‘The jade and I are joined by profit, but my son and I are bound by love. In times of trouble, those joined by profit will abandon each other, but those bound by love will still take each other in.'”

