The Theives
Once there were many thieves in the State of Jin. There was also a man by the name of Xi Yong who could identify theives without fail.
Xi Yong only had to fix his eyes on a person for a moment, and he knew right away whether that person was a thief or not. For this reason, the King appointed him alone to identify thieves.
Since his appointment, Xi Yong had not errored once.
The King was very pleased. “I can rely on one man to stamp out all the thieves in this country,” he told Zhao Wenzi, his minister, confidently.”I really don’t need that many people at all.”
Zhao Wenzi disagreed with the King, “If you rely solely on the eyes of one man to catch the thieves, thieves will not go away. I’m afraid Xi Yong might die a violent death, too.”
Indeed, the thieves soon banded together and decided amongthemselves, “Xi Yong is our number one enemy. We must get rid of him.” Shortly afterwards they set a trap for Xi Yong and had him killed.
When the King heard the dreadful news, he was totally shocked and immediately summoned Zhao Wenzi to his presence. “Just as you’ve predicted,” said the King, “Xi Yong was murdered by the thieves. What must I do now to stamp out the thieves?”
“There was a famous saying in the Zhou Dynasty,” Zhan Wenzireplied. “‘One who can see the fish in the abyss is not a lucky man.’ For the same reason, having the ability to pierce other people’s secrets will bring harm upon oneself. If you really want to stamp out the thieves, you must appoint only men of virtue who teach by examples. As long as the people have a sense of shame, they will not steal.”
The King listened to Zhao Wenzi’s advice and appointed only men of virtue. Before long all the thieves had fled to the neighbouring states.