如何用公用电话 安全通讯

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第1步﹕ 通话双方让对方知道自己使用的公用电话的号码

可以预先约定﹕ 临时通过手机,住家电话等告诉对方,或其它办法.

第2步﹕ 双方用公用电话通话


1) 拨打电话的人可以用硬币或电话卡, 用电话卡时, 如果使用1-800, 1-888, 等免费电话号码, 就不用再用硬币了. 这时, 用公用电话就象在家里用电话卡一样.

2) 今天刚刚作了实验, Bellsouth, 的公用电话接受电话不需付费, 只要在电话铃响后直接拿起电话就可以通话, 其它公司的请多多实验, 并把经验告诉更多人.

(English translation)

How to Use Public Phones for Secure Communication:

Step 1: Two persons know each other’s public phone number
One can tell each other ahead of time, or temporarily use cellphones or resident phones to tell one another, or other ways.

Step 2: use public phones to talk


1) If you are the caller, you can use coins or phone cards on public phones. When using phone cards, if you use 1-800, 1-888 or other toll-free phone numbers, you don’t have to pay by coin, and then , using a public phone is the same as using a home phone.

2) I just did an experiment today, receiving phone calls on Bellsouth’s public phones is free, you just need to pick up the phone when it rings and speak. For other companies, please try it out and tell more people.


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