纪念4.25和平上访24周年 英国政要支持法轮功

人气 295


皮尔森勋爵(Lord Pearson of Rannoch)

皮尔森勋爵(Lord Pearson of Rannoch)在来信中说: “感谢您的来信,很遗憾我无法参加429日的集会。可以毫不夸张地说,中国政府对待法轮功的态度是邪恶的。请随意引用我的话,并继续为正义而战。”

Dear Dr. Liu,

Thankyou for your letter, and I regret that I cannot come to your rally on 29th April.

The Chinese Government’s treatment of Falun Gong can safely be described as evil.

Feel free to quote me, and keep fighting….

With good wishes.

Lord Pearson of Rannoch

谢班纳·马哈茂德议员 (Shabana Mahmood MP)

谢班纳·马哈茂德议员 (Shabana Mahmood MP)在信中说:“很遗憾,由于之前已有其它安排,我将无法参加29日的活动。但我祝愿这次活动能够取得圆满成功。虽然不能成行,但我对这个问题同样表示深切关切。




Dear Tina Shi,

Thank you for your email regarding the Falun Dafa event.

Unfortunately, due to pre-existing diary commitments, I will be unable to attend the event on the 29th, but I hope it is a great success.

Nevertheless, I share your concerns on this issue.

I am also a member of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), a group of parliamentarians from across the globe intent on holding China to account and reforming our approach to Chinese relations. I support all efforts of parliamentarians to raise the profile of this issue in the House, including the persecution of the Falun Gong.

China’s economic growth has been matched by increased domestic repression, and a more assertive foreign policy, in Hong Kong and Xinjiang, Taiwan and the South China Sea.

Labour is committed to completing an audit of our relationship with China, and ensuring we stand firm on our human rights commitments.

I will continue to monitor this issue closely.

Thank you again for writing to me. Please do not hesitate to contact me again regarding this or any other issue.

Shabana Mahmood MP Member of Parliament for Birmingham Ladywood

菲奥娜·布鲁斯议员(Fiona Bruce MP)


菲奥娜·布鲁斯议员(Fiona Bruce MP)在来信中说:“今天我无法和大家在一起,但是作为宗教或信仰自由全党议会小组的副主席,我对于您和无数修炼法轮功的人们所面临的不公正状况表示深切关怀。



Dear Dr Wei Liu,

Thank you for your email of 11 April 2023. Please find below a comment for the Human Rights Rally to be held on 29 April.

“I cannot be with you today, so in my role as Vice Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Freedom of Religion or Belief, I extend my heartfelt compassion for the unjust situation you and countless people practicing Falun Gong find themselves in today.

No one should lose a job, miss out on education, be imprisoned, tortured, even killed, simply on account of their religion or belief.

I and my colleagues from the All Party Parliamentary Group on Freedom of Religion or Belief in the UK Parliament stand with you in your campaign for the right to practice Falun Gong without fear and in peace. “

Kind regards


马丁·戴议员(Martyn Day MP)

马丁·戴议员(Martyn Day MP)在信中说:“感谢邀请我参加429日的英国法轮大法学会组织的集会,请接受我因无法出席而表示的歉意。每个人都应该有权自由选择信仰并加以实践,我全力支持法轮功学员在和平的,无需恐惧的环境下实践信仰的权利。我谴责中国政府对法轮功学员的持续迫害,并对法轮功学员仍然遭受酷刑、监禁、强制摘取器官和死亡的报道深感不安。虽然今天我无法亲临现场与您们站在一起,但我坚定支持信仰的自由,反对宗教迫害。”

Good afternoon Dr Liu,

Thank you for the invitation to the UK Falun Dafa Association Rally on 29th April. Unfortunately I will be unable to attend, however I am very glad to provide some words of support, which are as follows:

Thank you for inviting me to the UK Falun Dafa Association Rally on 29th April, and please accept my apologies for not being able to attend. All people must be free to practise whatever religion they choose, and I wholeheartedly support the right of practitioners of Falun Gong to practise their faith in peace and without fear. I condemn the continued persecution of Falun Gong

practitioners by the Chinese Government, and I am deeply disturbed by reports that Falun Gong practitioners continue to suffer torture, imprisonment, forced organ harvesting and death. Although I cannot be with you in person today, I stand with you in support of freedom of belief, and against religious persecution.

I hope this is helpful, and thank you once again for your invitation.

Kind regards

Martyn Day MP

Linlithgow and East Falkirk Constituency

伊恩·默里议员(Ian Murray MP)

伊恩·默里议员(Ian Murray MP)在来信中说:“在我担任爱丁堡南部国会议员的13年里,选区内一群忠诚的活动人士一直在及时向我通报有关中国法轮功修炼者遭受迫害的情况。我对中国境内因宗教或信仰原因,人们遭受迫害的情况深感忧虑,无论是新疆的维吾尔穆斯林、基督徒、佛教徒,还是法轮功修炼者。在没有歧视或暴力对待的情况下,实践、改变或分享自己的信仰,是所有人都应当享有的人权,不可接受的是,这种迫害仍在继续。中国政府应对器官摘取的指控负责,而对维吾尔人待遇的的曝光进一步证明了他们的行为违反了所有国际法律和准则。此外,国际社会应该团结一致,共同反对对法轮功学员的迫害,并站在一起反对一切形式的种族主义和迫害。”

“During my 13 years as Member of Parliament for Edinburgh South, a dedicated group of campaigners in my constituency have kept me updated on the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. I remain deeply concerned about the persecution of people on the grounds of their religion or belief in China, be it Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang, Christians, Buddhists, or Falun Gong practitioners. The freedom to practise, change or share one’s faith or belief without discrimination or violent opposition is a human right that all people should enjoy and it is unacceptable that it is still allowed to take place. The Chinese Government should be held to account on accusations of organ harvesting and the exposure of the treatment of the Uyghur people is more evidence that their actions are against all international law and norms. Furthermore, the international community should come together with one voice to oppose the persecution of Falun Gong and to stand united against all forms of racism and persecution.”

Very best wishes,

Ian Murray MP

Labour Member of Parliament for Edinburgh South

Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland

霍尔顿勋爵(Lord Hlton)

霍尔顿勋爵(Lord Hlton)发来他的支持说:“我非常荣幸能够加入并支持你们,反对在中国针对法轮功修炼者的任意拘留、强制摘除器官和迫害行为。这些行径有时甚至导致了死亡。”

Dear Dr Liu

I regret I cannot come on 29 April but send the following message:

I am pleased to join and support your protest against arbitrary detention, forced organ removals and persecution, that sometimes causes death, among Falun Gong practitioners in China.

Yours sincerely

Lord Hlton

露丝·利斯特男爵夫人(Baroness (Ruth) Lister)

露丝·利斯特男爵夫人(Baroness (Ruth) Lister)在来信中说:“作为了解太极练习益处的人,我非常支持您为争取和平环境、练习法轮功的权利而进行的运动。祝愿您的集会圆满成功。”

Dear Dr Wei Liu

Thank you for your letter.  I’m sorry I’m unable to attend your rally as I don’t live in London and have other commitments.  Here is a message of support

As someone who knows the benefits of practising Tai Chi I very much support your campaign for a peaceful environment in which you have the right to practise Falun Gong.  I wish you well for your rally.

Best wishes

Ruth Lister

Baroness (Ruth) Lister of Burtersett

House of Lords

弗勒尔·安德森(Fleur Anderson MP)

弗勒尔·安德森(Fleur Anderson MP)信中说:“感谢您抽出时间分享您对此问题的想法和关切。我当然很高兴代表您向政府提出这个问题。我会尽快向国务大臣提交一份书面议会问题,敦促他们解决此事。再次感谢您来信。”

Thank you for writing to me regarding persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China . I’m grateful to you for taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns on this issue, which I am of course happy to raise with the Government on your behalf. I will table a written parliamentary question as soon as possible to the Secretary of State to press them on this issue, which once answered will be published here.

For the latest updates on my work in Parliament and in our wonderful community here in Putney, Roehampton and Southfields, please do sign up to my monthly e-newsletter here.

Thank you once again for writing to me.

With best wishes,

Fleur Anderson

Member of Parliament for Putney, Roehampton and Southfields

Shadow Paymaster General

劳伦斯•罗伯逊议员(Laurence Robertson MP)

劳伦斯罗伯逊议员(Laurence Robertson MP)在来信中说:





Thank you for taking the time to contact Laurence about this important issue. Laurence has asked me to respond directly and confirm that he has received and read your concerns.

This office has been contacted by stakeholders surrounding Human Rights abuses toward Chinese Falun Gong practitioners.

The environment for freedom of religion or belief across China is restrictive, including the persecution of Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Falun Gong practitioners and others on the grounds of their religion or belief.

The Government work within the UN, OSCE, Council of Europe, International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance and other international organisations and networks to promote and protect freedom of religion or belief for all where it is threatened.

More broadly, the Government regularly raise the human rights situation in China directly with the Chinese authorities at the highest levels. Most recently, the Foreign Secretary did so in a meeting with his Chinese counterpart on 20 September.

Laurence will highlight the issues you raised with fellow Members and colleagues.

Thank you again for taking the time to get in touch. I hope this has clarified the situation but if you have any additional questions please get back in touch and a member of the team would be happy to help.

Kind regards,


From Laurence Robertson MP

卡罗琳•卢卡斯议员(Caroline Lucas MP)

卡罗琳卢卡斯议员(Caroline Lucas MP)在来信中写道:我知道对你来说,修炼法轮功的权利有多重要,同时也希望你知道,我和你一样,对中国当局如此残酷和系统性地剥夺这一权利深感忧虑。了解到人们仅仅是和平地行使宗教自由的权利,就遭受到如此大规模的人权侵犯,令人深感震惊。我认为英国政府在反对这一行为和向中国当局施压方面做得远远不够。在2月份的一个议会提问中,部长说:






I know how much the right to practice Falun Gong means to you and hope you know I share your ongoing concern that this right is so brutally and systematically denied by the Chinese authorities. It’s deeply shocking to read about the sheer scale of the human rights abuses suffered by people simply and peacefully exercising their right to religious freedom, and I don’t think the UK Government is doing anything like enough to object or to apply pressure to China. In response to a parliamentary question from February, the Minister said:

9 February 2023

The environment for freedom of religion or belief across China is restrictive, including the persecution of Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Falun Gong practitioners and others on the grounds of their religion or belief.

We work within the UN, OSCE, Council of Europe, International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance and other international organisations and networks to promote and protect freedom of religion or belief for all where it is threatened. We have also consistently raised China’s severe restrictions on religious practice through the UN, including in a joint statement alongside 49 other countries on 31 October.

We will continue to urge China to uphold the right to freedom of religion or belief, including through the UN Human Rights Council.

I won’t be able to join the rally this weekend to commemorate the 24th anniversary of the April 25, 1999 appeal to the Chinese Government but, with your permission, I’d like to forward a copy of your email to the Minister and to ask what steps the UK Government has recently  taken to raise the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners with China. Is that OK? I can remove your name and contact details if you would prefer.

Thank you for taking the time to write and I will be thinking on Saturday of all who have been affected by religious persecution in China.

Best wishes, Caroline

Caroline Lucas MP

Brighton Pavilion

帕特里克·格雷迪议员(Patrick Grady MP)

帕特里克·格雷迪议员(Patrick Grady MP)在来信中说:“今年12月将迎来《世界人权宣言》诞生75周年。该宣言中所列举的权利对于每一个人来说都是基本的、固有的,必须得到国际社会的承认、尊重和保护。法轮功学员、维吾尔穆斯林和中国其他少数民族,必须能够自由表达信仰,无需受到迫害和恐吓。英国政府和其它民主国家必须采取一切可能的措施,揪出并制止那些对信仰迫害、任意逮捕和拘留、不公平审判、酷刑、死刑和强制器官摘取负有责任的人。许多下议院的议员都支持法轮功修炼者享有无惧地修炼信仰的权利,我们向为自由和终结迫害而斗争的人们表示支持和声援。请放心,我会一如既往地在这个问题上给予支持和声援。”

Many thanks for your email regarding the UK Falun Dafa Association’s rally in London on Saturday (29 April).

Unfortunately, I won’t be in London on Saturday so will be unable to attend. However, I’m more than happy to pass on the following message of solidarity to read out:

“This December will mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The rights set out in that declaration are fundamental and intrinsic to every single human being and must be recognised, respected and protected by the international community. Falun Gong practitioners, Uyghur Muslims, and other minorities in China must be allowed to express their beliefs and practice their faiths free from persecution and intimidation. The UK Government and other democracies must take whatever steps they can to identify and challenge those responsible for persecution, arbitrary arrest and detention, unfair trials, torture, summary executions and forced organ harvesting. Many MPs across the House of Commons support practitioners of the Falun Gong and their right to practise their faith without fear, and we send our support and solidarity in the fight for freedom and an end to persecution.”

Please be assured of my continuing support and solidarity on this issue.

Best wishes


Patrick Grady

Member of Parliament for Glasgow North

苏格兰议会议员鲍勃•多里斯 (Bob Doris MSP)

苏格兰议会议员鲍勃多里斯 (Bob Doris MSP)来信说:“我将无法参加2023429日,在伦敦圣马丁广场举行的英国法轮大法协会集会。然而,我表示诚挚的祝福和声援。我了解这次活动是为了纪念1999425日法轮功学员向中国当局发起的和平上访24周年。





I will be unable to attend the UK Falun Dafa Association rally taking place at St Martin’s Place in London on April 29th 2023. However, I offer my warmest wishes and solidarity. I understand the event commemorates the 24th anniversary of the peaceful appeal made by Falun Gong practitioners to the Chinese government on 25 April 1999.

The repression and denial of basic civil liberties that have been perpetrated by the Chinese state has been well documented. These crimes are an ongoing moral and ethical scandal.

The international community has sought over the years to offer constructive engagement with the Chinese authorities on such matters, but that engagement has not brought any admission of culpability from China, nor I am aware of any relenting of the treatment of Falun Gong practitioners.

A few years ago I sponsored an event at the Scottish Parliament where I heard from those with first-hand lived experience over forced organ harvesting. It was deeply compelling and disturbing.

Thank you for keeping these issues in the global spotlight and I hope the rally offers unity and strength.

Best wishes,

Bob Doris MSP

MSP for Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn constituency (SNP)


纪念4.25和平上访 墨尔本法轮功烛光守夜
纪念4·25 蒙特利尔法轮功中领馆前促停止迫害
纪念4‧25 加国卡城法轮功呼吁民众认清中共