全球58团体援港 谴责中共大抓捕
洛杉矶香港论坛(Hong Kong Forum, Los Angeles)与全球各地关注香港议题的58个团体发表联合声明,共同呼吁国际社会关注中共强制实施“国安法”,阻止中共持续挑战民主国家。所有参与签署的团体将会敦促自己所在国的政府,谴责中共在香港的暴行,同时呼吁对中共政府实施具体制裁。
1961 年 8 月 12 日,在苏联策画下,东德当局决定趁美国政府当时相对沉默的态度采取行动,于 24 小时内架设了 140 英里的障碍物,这堵墙阻隔了西方民主自由与社会主义专制的两个世界,隔日被称为“铁丝网星期日”(Barbed Wire Sunday);香港则于 1 月 6 日刚刚迎来了它的港版“铁丝网星期三”。
1. Adelaide – Stand with HK;2. Alliance Canada Hong Kong;3. Australia Hong Kong Link(澳港联);4. Befria Hongkong – Liberate Hong Kong(Sweden);5. Brisbane international student solidarity with Hong Kong;6. Canada-Hong Kong Link(港加联);7. Canberra Hong Kong concern group;8. Comité pour la liberté à Hongkong(居法港人撑香港);9. Dawn of Hong Kong (香港の夜明け),Japan;10. DC4HK- Washingtonian for Hong Kong;11. Democracy for Hong Kong(D4HK),UK;12. Fight for Freedom. Stand with Hong Kong (SWHK), Global;13. Frankfurt Stands With Hong Kong(Germany);14. Germany Stands with Hong Kong;15. Global Solidarity with Hong Kong – Chicago(芝援香港);16. Halifax-Hong Kong Link;17. HKers in Switzerland;18. Hong Kong Committee in Norway (挪威香港文化协会);19. Hong Kong Democracy & Human Rights Association(University of Washington);20. Hong Kong Dossier (Houston);21. Hong Kong Forum, Los Angeles(洛杉矶香港论坛);22. Hongkonger in Deutschland e.V. 香港人在德国协会;23. Hong Kong International Alliance Brisbane;24. Hong Kong Liberty(揽炒团队), Global;25. Hong Kong Outlanders in Taiwan (台湾香港边城青年);26. Hong Kong Social Action Movements in Boston;27. Human Rights Manifesto, Canada(维护人权同盟);28. Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte Deutsche Sektion(IGFM Germany);29. New Hong Kong Cultural Club 新香港文化协会 (Canada)30. NY4HK New Yorkers Supporting Hong Kong。
31. McMaster Stands With Hong Kong(Canada);32. Mustard Seeds HK Concern Group(Canada);33. Netherlands for Hong Kong (Netherlands);34. Northern California Hong Kong Club(北加州香港会);35. NSW HongKongers(Sydney Australia);36. Ontario Hong Kong Youth Action(Canada)安港学盟;37. PL4HK – supporting Hong Kong from Poland;38. Saskatchewan Stands with Hong Kong;39. SEArious For HKG(西雅图香港民主监察小组);40. Seattle Hong Kong Students Alliance(西雅图香港学生联盟);41. Stand with Hong Kong -Belgium;42. Stand with Hong Kong Vienna;43. Taiwan Hong Kong Association(台湾香港协会);44. The Hongkonger(Green River College);45. Torontonian HongKongers Action Group;46. University of Manitoba Hong Kong Concern;47. Vancouver Christians for Love, Peace and Justice 温哥华基督徒守护爱与和平公义团契;48. Vancouverites Concerned About Hong Kong;49. Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement;50.Verein zur Verteidigung der Menschenrechte und Religionsfreiheit e.V. (Germany);51. Victoria Hong Kong Tertiary Student Association;52. Victoria Hongkongers Association(Australia)澳洲维港;53. Visual Artists Guild(USA);54. Waterloo Lion Rock Spirit(Canada)滑铁卢狮子山精神;55. We are Kiwi Hong Kongers 香港逃犯条例修订草案纽西兰关注组;56. Yellow Power NZ(New Zealand);57. Winnipeg Hong Kong Concern;58. Wir für Hong Kong(Germany)。◇