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On the Seaside While Mid-Autumn Festival

For many years, I treated mid-autumn festival just a formula. It’s difficult to arouse the spray of my mind, it only take form of a little ripple at the most. However, it’s not the same this year. It shakes me forcibly, makes the spray of my mind lake it arouses, can’t calm down for a long time.
It’s Mize’s sister who invites us. Both two families of us thus go to the sea side. The place is Nanping of Tonggang—the sea side which is called Hawaii I haven’t been there.
It’s truly the sea side of Hawaii.
The coconut trees stand erectly one by one be continously outside the breakwater, looking forward to the far sea; sea wind is a wisp after a wisp of comb which is invisible served the leaves as the golden hairs shining by the sun, comb to back neatly, thus methodically.
Our vehicles are galloping on the road by coconut trees, eventually stop at the end of coconut trees.
Climb over the breakwater, there is a sandy beach lies beneath our feet, then it’s a great sea wide and invisible. The wind carries the smell of seaweed and salt, blows on our face, bumps into us by surprise. There is no ship on the sea, just see the spray raises and falls again, otherwise is a piece of azure. May the ships carry their host back home to celebrate mid-autumn festival! Little Liuqiu squats far in the sea, look like a big ship, and once also look likes a super coward tortoise.
We run to the sea beach!
The man who angles is Mize’s elder sister’s husband and his two sons. It’s his hobby. Two of his sons are his companions. Ordinarily they often to go to the sea side to angle. Like father like son. It’s true! They cast fishing line over and over again, and take back it over and over again, nearly there is a pile of surprise frisk about on the end of the line every time. The other people are playing on the sandy beach. They run, stamp a line after line of footprint. Some one take off the shoes and socks, keep a lookout to the sea, let the sea mutters the lover’s honeyed words, creeps there, offers incountless cool with the spray a time after a time to kiss their bare feet. However I go to dig, chaste and catch the ghost crab. Ghost crab, I don’t know who named it, It’s too suitable. Though it’s a kind of run amuck crab, it ‘s extreme fast while it runs. Search and search, find out a hole on the sandy beach—it’s nearly the same of the hole of the cricket, fill with the dry sand, start to dig while it’s full. The dry sand is easy to dig originally, and also there is a line of white dry sand to follow, it’s less to lose the hole, and is less not to dig out. When it’s dig out, they often flee on the sandy beach when mindless. The speed they flee, if we enlarger their bodies, it’s truly like the horse gallops wildly, is difficult to catch, they will run into the sea, and engulfed by the sea, a willingness is engulfed by the sea. I like to let them to run on the sandy beach, and then to chase, try to catch them, even I dig to the bottom of the hole, can easy to catch as to take the thing from the pocket, also I will let them to run on the sandy beach intentionally, then to chase and catch again, the interest of the chasing and catching is can’t to describe. (In fact, it’s so a little ghost crab, can’t eat and no person to eat them too, what use is it? Catch it for what? It will not person to catch to dig to catch if lack of this interesting.) Every time there is one is flee, I often shout and laugh and chase, and attract them follow me to shout and laugh and chase, often shout all together, laugh together and chase together…
“Come to have the roast chicken!” Call Mize and her sister. What time do they depart the sandy beach to the break water to roast the chicken? I’m truly indulging in these ghost crabs on the sandy beach.
Raise my head and look up, the sun is become into a big red ball, will falling into the bottom of the sea immediately. There is one ripple after one ripple of golden radiate shines from the azure sea surface. Oh, how beautiful it is!
They make the stone of the stony buffalo as the kitchen range, to obtain materials from local sources, and made the chicken cooked. We rush on, one tears the leg, the other seizes the chest, and still some one take wing, make the fragrant of the cooked chicken spreads all around, let’s feast on these delicious food, pay no attention to full hands sands. And in succession, to have the moon cake, besides the pear, pomelo etc., let the setting sun falls down the sea silently, the round moon creeps up the top of the tree is no ignore also.
And then, there appears a piece of bustling, a piece of jubilant.
A group of children comes. All are the children age of elementary school. They are come from the village near by, gather slowly about one to two hundred person, just see they set off the firework rockets, rocket artillery, mandarin duck etc., some set off in the same time, some set off in the different time, just ignite the fuse, a sound of bump, artillery carry the fire flower and a spell of hail fly out fiercely together. These artilleries carry the fire flower and hail flees to two sides of the breakwater, it becomes into the world which permeates blossoming flower and hail. How rich the hail! They flying on the sky, gathering, glowing, let me no time to look, no twinkle of the eyes, and no time to hear, can’t distinguish which are the fire flower which are the hail, is it before my eyes? Or is it in my childhood? Is it produced by these children? Or is it the naughty masterpiece of me and my child companions?
Truly we don’t want to go to depart, if there is not afraid of the sleepy of the children for it’s too late, and the children are broken out slowly also.
Although it’s so, I have enjoyed the happiness of on the sea side while Mid-autumn festival. For many years, I treated mid-autumn festival just a formula, it’s nearly forgot by me, but it’s alive this time again. I enjoyed happiness limitless, and also wish I will have the mid-autumn festival the same as this year. @


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