Just received a briefing on the Coronavirus in China from all of our GREAT agencies, who are also working closely with China. We will continue to monitor the ongoing developments. We have the best experts anywhere in the world, and they are on top of it 24/7!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
Just had a long and very good conversation by phone with President Xi of China. He is strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading the counterattack on the Coronavirus. He feels they are doing very well, even building hospitals in a matter of only days. Nothing is easy, but…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
….he will be successful, especially as the weather starts to warm & the virus hopefully becomes weaker, and then gone. Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads what will be a very successful operation. We are working closely with China to help!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
中国疫情真相 川普:永远不会知道
美国国国务卿蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)2020年2月18日表示,中共“花了太长时间”才让美国专家至中国协助,他敦促北京在流行病肆虐的情况下提高开放度。
● briefing,名词/ˈbriː.fɪŋ/简报
英解:information that is given to someone just before they do something
例句:They’re holding a press briefing tomorrow.(他们明天要开记者会。)
用法:brief形容词“简短的”;如果当动词,可解释为“简短说明”,例如,The secretary has quickly briefed about what we will be doing later.(秘书很快地简述了我们即将要做的事。)
● agency,名词/ˈeɪdʒ(ə)nsi/政府的机构
英解:a government organization
例句:The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a service of the federal government of the US to process national security from around the world. (中央情报局,是美国联邦政府的机构,以处理国家安全为服务目标。)
用法:agency最常用的意思是“(代为处理的)机构”,当某种商业行为太过复杂与耗费时间,这类的“帮您处理事务”的机构就因运而生,例如,买卖房屋会有房屋中介(real estate agency)、出国旅游会有旅行社(travel agency)、协助寻找媒合工作会有职业介绍所(employment agency)等。
● closely,副词/ˈkloʊs.li/密切地
英解:has a strong relationship
例句:We are working closely with the police.(我们正与警方密切合作中。)
用法:closely另一个意思有更加仔细的、谨慎的意思=carefully。例如,He looked again more closely at the marks.(他又更仔细地,再检查了一次分数。)
● monitor,动词/ˈmɑː.nə.t̬ɚ/密切注视(监控)
英解:to watch and check a situation carefully for a period of time in order to discover something about it
例句:The CIA were monitoring (= secretly listening to) his phone calls.(中央情报局正对他的电话进行监听。)
用法:类似动词有:to study (研究)、to examine (检视)、to inspect (检查)、to scrutinize (仔细检查)
● ongoing,形容词/ˈɒnˌɡəʊɪŋ/进行中的
英解:still happening
例句:There is an ongoing investigation into the cause of the helicopter crash.(目前正在调查直升机坠毁的原因。)
用法:常与ongoing搭配的词语有:ongoing research, ongoing process, ongoing negotiation, ongoing debate, ongoing studies, ongoing problem etc.
● on top of,副词词组,在…掌控中
英解:in control of what is happening
例句:I try to stay on top of things.(我试着掌控一切。)
用法:类似意思:be in charge = be in control。另一个意思是:“除了(不开心之事)…之外还…”例如,We missed our flight, and on top of that we had to wait eight hours for the next one.(我们没赶上飞机,而且下一班还得再等八个小时。)
● counterattack,名词/ˈkaʊn.t̬ɚ.ə.tæk/反击
英解:an attack against someone who has just attacked you in a war, game, or argument
例句:The General was massing his troops for a counterattack.(将军正在集结部队进行反击。)
用法:counter-这个字作为先行词(prefix)有逆、反向的意思。因此我们常说的“顺时钟”(clockwise),而“逆时钟”就是 counterclockwise啰!
“违法地、私底下地”可以用 under the counter 或 under the table。例如,He sold beer and alcohol to some underage kids under the counter.(他偷偷地卖啤酒与含酒精性饮料给一些未成年孩子。)
● matter,名词/ˈmæt̬.ɚ/事件(情)
英解:a situation or subject that is being dealt with or considered
例句:It’s only a matter of time before someone gets seriously hurt.(早晚会有人受到严重伤害。)
用法:当我们企图说,这是一件…的事(It’s a matter of …)意谓着:“早晚都会发生”。例如,It’s a matter of time. (只是时间早晚的问题。)It’s a matter of confidence.(只是信心问题而已。)It’s a matter of luck.(只是运气问题而已。)
本文的 in a matter of only days 是想强调只花了短短数日,就把医院建成的意思。
● discipline,名词/ˈdɪs.ə.plɪn/纪律
英解:the practice of making people obey rules of behavior and punishing them if they do not
例句:Problems arise if the parents’ approach to discipline is inconsistent.(如果父母对于纪律的态度不一致,管教就会出现问题。)
用法:可当动词,“自律地做…”,例如,I’m trying to discipline myself to eat less chocolate.(我正试图控制自己少吃些巧克力。)
● take place,动词,发生
英解:to happen
例句:The wedding will take place in June.(婚礼将于六月举行。)
用法:如果要形容觉得自己“格格不入”可以说:I feel out of place.
in place of“代替”,例如,You can use water in place of milk in the recipe.(配方中的牛奶可以用水来代替。)
● Coronavirus( CoV,冠状病毒的总称)
2019年12月在中国大陆武汉传出的中共肺炎新型冠状病毒(2019-nCoV),(俗称武汉肺炎)。截至2020年2月1日,全世界已有63个国家(含台湾)禁止中国公民入境。美国疾病管制暨预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC)正密切监控该呼吸道感染疾病。
● 24/7 (全年无休)
We are open for business 24/7. (我们全年无休!)念法是:twenty-four seven
● 人吃五谷杂粮,难免生病或感到身体不适,试讨论平时可以做些什么保健措施,以增强身体的抵抗力?
● 当您的身体出现不适(feel under the weather),第一时间您会选择如何处理与因应?放着不管?立刻就医(中医还是西医)?为什么?
● 综观今日治疗方式,可大致粗分为西方医学(西医)(含:科技、生化、数据、投药等)或传统中药医学(中医)(含:药草、脉络、气血、气功等)假使所谓的“不治之症”发生,请问您会如何采取什么样的治疗手段?试讨论之。
相关单字:feel sick or ill v. (觉得生病)、health precaution n. (保健措施)、stay healthy v. (保持健康)、western medicine n. (西医)、Chinese medicine n. (中医)、incurable illness n. (不治之症)