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非常感谢。我一直在看听证会,它们很吸引人。 嗯,太不可思议了,我只想感谢大家所做的这些非常勇敢的事情,我知道有些人被攻击了,但我会告诉你,还有更多人受到了美国公众的称赞。我们获得了7,400万张选票,增加了1,100万张,比2016年增加了1,100万张票,我们本以为会获得约6,800万张选票,我们说那很容易取胜的。



呃,有人来参加投票,他们被告知:“对不起,你已经投票了。我们已经收到你的选票。” “不,我从未投票。我为11月3日的投票感到非常自豪。我为投票感到非常自豪。” “不,我们有你的票了。”他们会进去并投诉。在某些情况下-在某些情况下,他们回家了-他们哭了。










因此,为了这个勇气,鲁迪,我们感谢你。而且,你知道鲁迪会这样说。鲁迪是迄今为止纽约历史上最伟大的市长。 你看纽约发生了什么。我的意思是你看看现在发生了什么。他是我们有史以来最伟大的市长。




Remarks: Donald Trump Calls In to Meeting of Arizona GOP Lawmakers on Election – November 30, 2020

Well, thank you very much. I’ve been watching the hearings, and they’re fascinating. Uh, incredible, and I wanna just thank all of you doing this very brave thing, and I know some get hit, but I will tell you, many more get praised from the American public. We got 74 million votes, 11 more, a mil — 11 million more votes than we had in 2016. We were looking to get about 68 million votes, and we said that would easily win.

We’ll, we got 74 million votes, and getting above that number even, good at 75. But, uh, we got 74 million and we didn’t win, but I know that we won Arizona and we won Michigan and we won Georgia and we won Pennsylvania and we won Wisconsin. But what they did is they played games, and games like nobody’s ever seen before.

This is the first time Republicans or a first time anyone has fought back. The 2020 election was rigged. It was a scam, and the whole world is watching and they’re laughing at our country. They’re laughing at us. They know who won, and we won by a lot. The poll watchers were thrown out of buildings or put at very far away distances, but they were thrown out of buildings in numerous of the states.

Uh, you have people that came in to vote and they were told, “I’m sorry, but you’ve already voted. We’ve received your ballot.” “No, I never voted. I’m very proud to vote November 3rd. I’m very proud to vote.” “No, we have your ballot.” And they would go in and they would sign a complaint. In some pe — in some cases, they went home and they — they cried.

They’ve never seen anything like it. We have thousands and thousands of people that walked in. This shows you how arrogant the Democrats and others were in taking away and stealing an election, ’cause that’s what they’ve tried to do is steal it, and the easy route for me, what everyone’s saying, “Oh, just focus on 2024, sir. Focus on 2024.”

I said, “No.” I have to focus on two weeks ago because this is the greatest scam ever perpetrated upon our country. This is, this is the big one, and we went through plenty. We went through the phony Russia, Russia, Russia, and the phony impeachment and all of the different things, and then on top of it, you having a governor named Ducey who just — [Audience Boos] — rushed, could be going faster — He just rushed to sign certificates so that Kelly gets into the Senate as soon as possible.

What’s that all about? He didn’t have to sign, and I say, “Why would he sign when you have these incredible hearings going on that’s showing such corruption and such horrible fraud on the American people and the people of Arizona?” So, you’ll have to figure out, what’s that all about with Ducey? He couldn’t go fast enough, and I just say that I wanna thank you.

We’re gonna win this thing. We’re not giving up ever. We will never give up. There’s never been anything like this. Thousands and thousands of votes were cast and you have some people that were paid to vote, you know that. And, you know, we’re only down to 9,000 votes. It’s a very small number of votes, relative to millions cast.

We lost Arizona by 9,000 votes. That’s a tiny fraction, and that would be a, a half of day, a couple of hours of, of checking. Well I will tell you, we are going to fight. We’re taking it up all the way. We have additional cases being filed probably tomorrow in Wisconsin and in Georgia, and they are good cases.

They’re very strong cases by great lawyers and with great facts. And, uh, Arizona will not forget what Ducey just did. We’re not gonna forget — [Audience member calls out “That’s right. We won’t.”] — uh, the people of Arizona. We had some of the greatest rallies we’ve ever had. I left those rallies, a lot of you probably went there and I said, there’s no way we’ll lose this state.

And we didn’t lose this state. We didn’t lose this state. We won it by a lot. But I just want to thank everybody. I’m watching it and a lot of people are watching it on OAN and couple of others that are, are ratings machines, their ratings are going through the roof because they’re telling the truth. And others are being hurt, as you probably have heard, other networks are being very badly hurt because when they don’t follow us they don’t do very well.

But the — the world is watching and this country is watching and we admire all of the people, and that includes the fantastic representatives, politicians. But these representatives that are up there and doing a great job and what they don’t realize is they may hear some things, but they’re becoming legends.

They’re becoming legends for taking this on. The country really appreciates it. The country really does and we have more than they do. I represent everybody, but this was a scam, and we have to get down to the bottom of it. I wanna thank Rudy and his team for doing such an incredible job and for having the courage to do many lawyers had to leave because they were threatened.

So for having the courage, Rudy we thank you. And, you know Rudy was gonna say this. Rudy was the greatest mayor in the history of New York by far. You look what happened to New York. I mean you look at what’s going on right now. He was the greatest we ever had.

And I told Rudy the other day, what you are doing right now, concerning the elections of the United States President and other elections, but concerning the election of the President of the United States, and as good as being mayor was and so important, but this is far more important. It’s the most important thing you’ve ever done.

So I wanna thank Rudy. I wanna thank all of the political representatives and I wanna thank all of the incredible witnesses for showing bravery and love of your country. Thank you all very much.
