当时,布什总统说:”我们协助中国和台湾加入了世界贸易组织,这是好的,而且承认和欢迎这两个国家,也就是台湾共和国和中国加入世界贸易组织是重要的。” 布什讲话中把中华民国,ROC(REPUBLIC OF CHINA),称为台湾共和国,ROT,也就是REPUBLIC OF TAIWAN。当时,不仅幕僚没注意到,白宫网站事后还把布什演说,全文照登。
以下是白宫网站所刊登的布什这段讲话内容的英文原文:“I also want to thankthe U.S. exporters who are here, America’sbusiness leaders and people who understand thebenefits of opening up markets. I know that manyof you have worked hard to help advance tradearound the world, and for that we’re grateful.And we’ve done a lot last year, we really have.As Colin mentioned, we helped launch a newglobal — a round of global trade negotiationsin Doha. We helped bring China and Taiwan intothe World Trade Organization. And that’s good,that’s important to recognize and to welcomeboth countries, both the Republic of Taiwan, and of course China, into the World Trade Organization. It’s positive, it’s a positive development for our country.”
台湾的英文名称是 Republic of China (中华民国),中国大陆的英文名称是People’s Republic of China(中华人民共和国) 。布什此次则把台湾说成了 Republic of Taiwan(台湾共和国)。三者容易混淆。(//www.dajiyuan.com)