一是国会议员 Senator 两个席位中六年一任换届候选一人,候选人有﹕
Forrester, Douglas ─ Republican candidate.
Galligan, Gary ─ Independent candidate.
Glick, Ted ─ Green Party candidate.
Lautenberg, Frank ─ Democatic candidate.
二是众院议员 House of Reoresentatives十三个席位中四年一任两年中期选在各个区的换届或者续任候,选人有:
the 2nd District﹕Farkas, Steven ─ Democratic,LoBiondo, Frank ─ Republican (incumbent)。
the 4th District ﹕Brennan, Mary ─ Democratic,Graham, Don ─ Conservative。
the 5th District﹕Cardinale, Gerald ─ Republican,Sumers, Anne ─ Democratic,
Russo, Dave ─ Republican,Fox, Brian ─ Republican,Garrett, Scott ─ Republican,Yosri, Akram ─ Republican 。
the 6th District ﹕ Medrow, Ric ─ Republican。
the 7th District﹕Carden, Tim ─ Democratic,Ferguson, Mike ─ Republican (incumbent)。
the 9th District ﹕Glass, Joe ─ Republican。
the 10th District ﹕Wirtz, Andrew ─ Republican。
the 11th District:Pawar, Vij ─ Democratic,Frelinghuysen, Rodney ─ Republican( incumbent)。
the 12th District﹕Holt, Rush ─ Democratic( incumbent), Mayer, Carl ─ Green Party,
Soaries, Buster ─ Republican 。
the 13th District﹕Hester, Dick ─ Independent。
三是21个郡显不同年限一任的各级官员(Executive,Committee, Freeholders),以及各个城镇政府议员或市长(Town Council, Mayor)的换届或续任选举。
总之,所有候选人将在各自所属地区宣传公布候选人政见,请各位选举人查看当地报刊以及联系选举服务人员,获取选举资料和资讯,以便为参与11月5日选举日的投票选举活动做好准备。另外,继10月30日周三晚7﹕00新州公共电视12台(News NJ)转播Forrester和Lautenberg两人一小时的辩论和30分钟的回答问题现场之后,11月2日周六晚WNBC─TV主持和SPAN-10还将转播另外一场辩论和回答问题现场,大家收视后会对直接了解双方政见有所帮助。◇