“The Chinese are very adept at not accepting anything. You’ve got to be very tough, and that’s what Trump is doing. It’s in China’s interest to correct, and I think we’ll end up with a solution that’s dramatically better than we have today. Frankly, I think the impact of what…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
….Trump is doing to China is not lost on the rest of the world. Europe has had among the most protectionist policies forever. They’re sitting there and saying, gee, are we next? Maybe you are! We’ve got to change the rules. The U.S. can’t defend the world and pay for it….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
….We can’t have a system where we run our entire economy for the benefit of other countries, which have long charged us big tariffs. Don’t keep ducking the reality. The U.S. has been subject to Tariff Terrorism for 50 years. But a real deal can be done.” Sam Zell
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
【译文】(接前文)我们不可能为了他国的利益,去运作我们的整体经济,如同长期以来,我们一直被索取大量关税。不要继续躲避现实了。50年来美国一直受到关税恐怖主义的戕害。但现在有机会达成一个真正的(公平的)交易。”山姆‧泽尔(Sam Zell)在接受美国CNBC电视台@JoeSquawk访问时说道。
So interesting to read and see all of the free and interesting advice I am getting on China, from people who have tried to handle it before and failed miserably – In fact, they got taken to the cleaners. We are doing very well with China. This has never happened to them before!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
● adept,形容词/əˈdept/擅长的
英解:having a natural ability to do something that needs skill
例句:She’s very adept at dealing with the media.(她应付媒体游刃有余。)
用法:如后接动名词(V-ing),则必须加at。类似用法:be good at V-ing,be able to V,be capable of Ving 等等。
● tough,形容词/tʌf/强硬的
英解:strong and determined
例句:The US government is continuing to take a tough line on terrorism.(美国政府继续对恐怖主义采取强硬的态度。)
用法:形容食物很硬、太老了、切不开、咬不动,可以说 tough. The steak or meat is too tough to chew or to cut. (这块牛排/肉,太硬了,咬不动/切不开。) 另外,形容“真倒楣”,也可以说,tough luck!
● end up with,动词词组,以…告终
自然发音:END up with
英解:to finally be in a particular place or situation
例句:Despite staying in the shade most of the time, I ended up with sunburn.(尽管大部分时间都待在阴凉处,但我最终还是晒伤了。)
用法:with + 名词。end up + Ving,I ended up spending the night in the airport.(我最终在机场过夜了。)
● dramatically,副词/drəˈmætɪkli/明显地
英解:suddenly or obviously
例句:Our life changes dramatically when we have a baby to take care of.(有了孩子以后,我们的生活会有明显的变化。)
用法:该字来源于drama(戏剧),所以dramatically也可以指“具戏剧效果地、夸张地”,She swept her hair back dramatically.(她夸张地把头发向后甩。)
● frankly,副词/ˈfræŋkli/坦白地(说)
英解:used when giving an honest and direct opinion, often one that might upset someone
例句:Quite frankly, the thought of it terrified me.(坦白说,这个想法吓坏我了。)
用法:“坦白说”也可以写成,Frankly speaking,…;To be frank 或 Let me be frank,…。
● impact,名词/ˈɪmpækt/影响
英解:a powerful effect that something has on a situation or person
例句:The tax on fuel will not have a serious impact on the better-off.(征收燃料税不会对富人产生严重影响。)
用法:当名词时,可用have/make an impact on…;也可以当动词,The failure of the transport system impacts daily on all our lives.(运输系统的故障,会影响我们每天的生活。)
● protectionist,名词 /prəˈtekʃ(ə)nˌɪst/保护主义(者)的
英解:protectionist laws or methods are intended to help a country’s trade or industry by putting taxes on goods bought from other countries or by limiting the amount of goods that can be imported
例句:Such protectionist measures penalize exporters in developing countries.(这些保护主义措施,苦了发展中国家的出口商。)
用法:来自“保护,protection”这个字。动词,protect…from/against,保护…免于遭受/抵抗,例如:Clothing that protects you from/against the cold.(衣服可以(保护你)抵御寒冷。)
● for the benefit of,为了…好处
自然发音:for the BE-ne-fit of
英解:particularly do something for somebody or something
例句:The money is to be used for the benefit of someone in need.(这笔钱将用于造福有需要的人。)
用法:接受补助/福利,on benefit,例如:She’s been on unemployment benefit for six months.(她接受失业补助已满6个月了。)
● duck,动词/dʌk/闪躲
英解:to lower your head or head and body quickly, in order to move under something or to avoid being hit
例句:Duck your head or you’ll bang it on the doorframe.(把头低一下以免撞到门框。)
用法:He ducked behind the wall.(她躲到墙后面去。) 另外,to duck out,可指“偷溜到外头…”例如,Kevin always ducked out for a smoke. (凯文总是找机会到外头抽根烟。)
● take to the cleaners,动词词组,骗光…所有的钱(海削)
自然发音:take to the CLEA-ners
英解:to get a lot of money from someone, usually by cheating them
例句:Dave was really taken to the cleaners on that deal.(大卫在那桩生意上确实赔得精光。)
用法:the cleaners,指的是“干洗店”,take sb to the cleaners,把某人带到干洗店去“干洗”(直译);意指:将某人身上的财物“一洗而空”。本文的 got taken…被抓过去,采被动语法。另外,自助洗衣店(水洗+烘干),则称 laundromat。
● Tarrif Terrorism(关税恐怖主义)
● Sam Zell(人名)
山姆‧泽尔(Sam Zell)是一位公司总部在美国芝加哥的地产投资大师,拥有50亿美元资本净值。
● Joe Squawk(节目名)
电视新闻主播乔‧柯南(Joe Kernen)在CNBC电视台的节目。
● 针对中美贸易,为何川普总统会认为,以前的政府都不敢“直球对决”,以正面交涉的方式处理,为美国与美国人民争取最大利益?
● 针对美中贸易战,为何川普总统可以“有恃无恐”的坚持,难道他不怕从此美中关系决裂,损害更多利益?
● 如果川普总统说的是实话,以前的政府(总统)都遭到中国政府海削,如果不是团队无能,那么就是刻意为之,试讨论背后可能原因?
相关单字:direct talk(直接对谈)、being persevered(坚持不懈的)、break-up(名词,决裂)、damage(动词或名词,损害)、incapable(无能的)、purposely(刻意地)